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論文名稱(外文):The Export Demand of Taiwan IC Design Industry And the Impact Analysis of New Electronic Products Launching
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Hong Kang
外文關鍵詞:Export DemandTaiwan IC Design IndustryOLS Regression
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This study aims to examine the export demand model of Taiwan's IC design industry. Besides the related macroeconomic variables, the new electronic products launching (Ex: iPhone and iPad) and the sales volumes of smart phone and tablet are also further considered. The independent variables are summarized into exchange rate, the income of main countries in demand, the economy of industry, the new product launching and seasonal factors .
This study uses the methodologies of econometric and the quarterly data of related variables from 2001 to 2011 for empirical analysis. The empirical results indicate that the income of main countries in demand, the economy of industry, the new product launching and the seasonal factors are important determinants of export demand of Taiwan's IC design industry. Regarding the income of main countries in demand, it takes the GDP of both USA and China as the independent variables. By the regression analysis, it shows that these two variables have significant positive effect on the export demand of Taiwan's IC design industry. The income elasticity is greater than 1, which indicates that when the income of these two major electronic products consuming countries is raised, the export demand of Taiwan's IC design industry will increase accordingly. And, the income effect of USA is greater than mainland China. Regarding the economy of industry, the empirical result presents the NASDAQ Composite Index getting positive correlation with the export demand of Taiwan's IC design industry, based on the criteria of 10% confidence level. It means that the growth of the electronic industry economy will drive the export demand of Taiwan's IC design industry in next quarter. In addition, the empirical results also show that the launching of iPhone and the global shipment of smart phone have significant effect on the dependent variable. However the correlation coefficient of smart phone global shipment was not positive as expected, which implies that the export demand of Taiwan's IC design industry does not increase but slightly decrease while the global shipment of smart phone demand is increasing.
摘 要............................................I
誌 謝..........................................III
目 錄...........................................IV
第一章 緒論.......................................1
第一節 研究動機..................................1
第二節 研究目的與範圍.............................2
第三節 研究架構..................................3
第二章 文獻探討...................................4
第一節 文獻回顧..................................4
第二節 相關文獻探討...............................9
第三節 本論文之研究方向...........................15
第三章 台灣IC設計產業之概況........................16
第一節 IC設計簡介................................16
第二節 台灣IC設計產業簡介.........................19
第三節 衍生需求與新興電子產品開賣的影響.............21
第四章 實證分析...................................23
第一節 研究方法..................................23
第二節 變數定義與資料來源..........................28
第三節 實證模型...................................32
第五章 實證研究結果................................35
第一節 建立出口需求迴歸式..........................35
第二節 實證模型迴歸結果............................42
第六章 結論與建議..................................44
第一節 研究結論...................................44
第二節 研究建議...................................48
第三節 作者實務心得與感想..........................50

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