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論文名稱(外文):On Spatial and Angular Resolutions in Electron Backscattering Diffraction
指導教授(外文):Jui-Chao Kuo
外文關鍵詞:EBSDspatial resolutionangular resolutiondepth resolution
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本論文將探討背向散射電子繞射之空間解析度與角度解析度。空間解析度的量測上,利用銀、銅、以及鋁的雙晶(bicrystals)晶體 並結合數位影像相關係數法進行量測。此外,加速電壓、探針電流、以及原子量對於空間解析度的影響也將以此進行量測,由實驗所得的結果顯示,對於擁有較輕原子量的原子(例如:鋁)而言,其縱向解析度以及側向解析度與加速電壓是有明顯的關係。較重的原子(例如:銅、銀)的解析度在加速電壓小於10kV時不會出現與電壓明顯的相關性。此外,探針電流對縱向及側向解析度的影響甚小。由實驗所得對於鋁、銅、銀的最佳側向解析度分別為40.5, 33.7, 12.1奈米。而對於此三者的最佳縱向解析度分別為74.5, 44.7, 23.3奈米。
此外,此論文中亦提出一創新之實驗設置用以量測背向散射電子繞射的深度解析度。利用傾斜的攣晶(twin)晶界來測量深度解析度,同時可以量測到電子通道效應的影響,取代傳統利用非晶質薄膜的量測方式。利用此方法所測得對於銅的最佳深度解析度為38nm( 5kV , 10nA),其數值遠大於未考慮電子通道效應的實驗設置。
對於角度解析度,本論文中開發了一種結合雙向濾波器以及晶體方位平均性質的新型濾波器。此新型濾波器可以用來提升EBSD數據的角度精準性。應用在電鍍銅以及變形的銅材料上,可以將其角度解析度由0.71° 分別提升至0.251° 與0.071°。此外,此濾波器還具有保存晶界特徵與變形後次級結構的特性。而方位雜訊也在經過一次濾波後明顯減少。

For nanoscale microstructure analysis the spatial resolution of the EBSD is of very importance. It is well known several factors affect the spatial resolution. However, until now, it lacks of a quantitative measurement of the spatial resolution. In addition to the spatial resolution the angular resolution also plays an important role in EBSD analysis technique for fine subgrain microstructures after heavy deformation. In this study, therefore, the spatial and angular resolutions of the EBSD system are investigated.
Bicrystals of silver, copper, and aluminum were combined with a digital image correlation method to investigate the physical spatial resolution of EBSD, that is, the lateral and longitudinal resolutions. At the same time the effect of accelerating voltage and probe current was systematically investigated on the physical spatial resolution for Ag, Cu, and Al, respectively. The lateral and longitudinal resolutions show high dependency on the accelerating voltage for Al. However, for Cu and Ag, the lateral and longitudinal resolution does not show such dependency on accelerating voltage as in Al for less than 10kV. Moreover, the probe current does not play a role on both lateral and longitudinal resolutions. The best lateral resolutions for Al, Cu, and Ag are 40.5, 33.7, and 12.1 nm, respectively. The best longitudinal resolutions of 74.5, 44.7, and 23.3 nm were obtained for Al, Cu, and Ag, respectively.
A novel measurement of the depth resolution in EBSD was firstly proposed. The application of a tilted twin boundary enables us to measure the depth resolution under consideration of the electron channeling effect. Considering the channeling effect, the best physical depth resolution of 38 nm for Cu was achieved at 5 kV and 10 nA which is much larger than that obtained with a coating layer.
As for the angular resolution, a new filter combining the bilateral filter and the orientation averaging was developed in this study. The proposed orientation bilateral filter has two features: preservation of boundary structures or deformed substructures and significant reduction in orientation noise after only one pass. It was implemented in this study to enhance the angular precision of orientation maps for deposited and deformed structures of pure Cu obtained from EBSD measurements. Applying the filter to the deformed and deposited structures, the relative angular accuracy is enhanced from 0.71° to 0.251° and 0.071°, respectively.

1. Introduction and objectives 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objectives 3
2 Literature reviews 4
2.1 Introduction to EBSD 4
2.1.1 Development of EBSD 4
2.1.2 Formation of the Kikuchi band 9
2.1.3 Automatic EBSD system 11
2.2 Spatial resolutions in EBSD 13
2.2.1 Definition of spatial resolution in EBSD 13
2.2.2 Influence factors on spatial resolution 16
2.2.3 Improvements on spatial resolution 30
2.3 Angular Resolution 39
2.3.1 Definition of angular resolution 39
2.3.2 Influence factors on angular resolution 41
2.3.3 Modified Kuwahara filter 52
3 Experiments & Filter design 57
3.1 Instruments 57
3.2 Samples for measuring of lateral/longutudinal resolutions 59
3.3 Samples for measuring of depth resolution 64
3.3.1 E-beam coating method 64
3.3.2 Inclination of twin boundary method 65
3.4 Determination of the spatial resolution 68
3.4.1 Lateral and longitudinal resolutions 68
3.4.2 Depth Resolution 74
3.5 Measurement of angular resolution 78
3.6 Orientation Bilateral Filter 81
4 Results 88
4.1 Longitudinal resolution 88
4.2 Lateral resolution 94
4.3 Depth resolution 100
4.4 Angular resolution 105
4.4.1 Performance of the OBF on single crystal silicon 105
4.4.2 Performance of the OBF on strain-free sample 115
4.4.3 Performance of the OBF on strained sample 129
5 Discussions 142
5.1 Effect of the accelerating voltage 142
5.2 Effect of the probing current 153
5.3 Effect of the electron channeling 158
5.4 Image distortion in orientation mapping at high kV 160
5.5 Comparison of performance between OBF and Kuwahara filter 169
6 Conclusions 181
7 References 182
Publication List 192
Autobiography 197

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