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論文名稱(外文):Study on Inclusions in Structure Steels
指導教授(外文):Jui-Chao Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Inclusionstructural steelEBSD
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In recent years modern constructions were developed high-rise and large span. For the purpose of getting high strength and thickness steel plate, and for high welding efficiency to increase welding heat input. But high heat input welding process, which will make the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of coarse grains, resulting in toughness and strength decrease. Modified by inclusions of high heat input welding steel, which was the most effective way to enhance its strength and toughness.
This study focused on structure steel inclusion analysis, which was including SM570, SS400, and the magnesium addition of SS400 steels. Analyze the types, sizes, and numbers of inclusions, as well as the interface relationship between inclusion and ferrite. The microstructures of inclusions were observed by field emission SEM. The chemical compositions of the inclusions were analyzed by SEM-EDS. Identified the inclusions structure and analyzed inclusions and ferrite orientation by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Combine the SEM-BEI images and EDS were analyzed through the image analysis software to determine the size and numbers of inclusions.
The inclusions of SM570 steel mainly have titanium nitride, γ-alumina, and α-manganese sulfide. The inclusions of SS400 steel have γ-alumina, and α-manganese sulfide. The inclusions of SS400+Mg steel have magnesium aluminum oxide (MgO•Al2O3), and α-manganese sulfide. According to the size distribution statistics, the inclusions were mainly concentrated below diameter 1μm, and most were single-phase manganese sulfide. Titanium nitride and manganese sulfide have coherent/semi-coherent interface, and the alumina and magnesium aluminum oxide have semi-coherent/incoherent interface.
第一章 前言1
第二章 文獻回顧3
2.1 鋼鐵介在物3
2.1.1 介在物的來源 3
2.1.2 介在物型態7
2.1.3 介在物物理性質14
2.1.4 介在物統計分析15
2.2 介在物對銲接性質的影響20
第三章 材料與實驗步驟38
3.1 實驗材料與試片製備38
3.2 介在物分析42
3.2.2 EBSD分析42
3.3 介在物形貌分析43
3.4 介在物統計分析43
第四章 實驗結果46
4.1 介在物成分與結構分析46
4.2 介在物形貌分析58
4.3 介在物統計分析68
4.4 介在物方位分析75
第五章 討論81
5.1 鋼中介在物形成之探討81
5.2 各鋼種中介在物之比較86
5.3 介在物對誘發肥粒鐵之探討90
第六章 結論111
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