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論文名稱(外文):Nano-wear Behavior of Silicon Probes by Molecular Dynamics Simulation
指導教授(外文):Wen-Dung Hsu
外文關鍵詞:NanotribologyNanowearMolecular dynamics simulationScanning Probe
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While greater accuracy and finer resolution of microscopy techniques are imperatively needed, massive attention has been drawn to probe integrity studies. Silicon probe is chosen to be studied in this work. Various scratch tests are performed by molecular dynamics simulation. In this work, the effects of scratch speed, substrate surface pattern, normal force, and coating to friction and wear are discussed.
Friction and wear results of varied scratch speeds were found similar, only that the fluctuation in normal force was found affecting friction forces. Wear behaviors of two substrate surface patterns were almost the same, implying that difference of surface patterns was not sufficient to cause apparent behaviors. Two sets of normal forces were applied in scratch tests, indicating relatively heavier load can give rise to slightly larger friction force and wear rate. Three types of protective coatings were observed effective in reducing friction force and wear rate; however, extremely strong bonds of coating atoms can also cause excessive friction force.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第1章 緒論 1
第2章 文獻回顧 2
第3章 實驗方法與流程 16
3.1 實驗流程 16
3.2 分子動力學模擬 17
3.2.1 簡介 17
3.2.2 初始條件設定 17 速度修正 18 溫度修正 18
3.2.3 運動方程式 19
3.2.4 系綜 20
3.2.5 週期性邊界條件 21
3.2.6 勢能函數 21 Lennard-Jones勢能 22 Tersoff勢能 23
3.2.7 計算效率優化 24
3.3 物理模型 30
3.3.1 探針模型 30
3.3.2 純矽基板模型 30 無表面重組基板 30 表面重組基板 31
3.3.3 鍍膜基板模型 31
3.4 實驗設計及參數 37
3.4.1 壓痕實驗 37
3.4.2 刮痕實驗 37
3.4.3 Tersoff勢能參數 38
3.4.4 Lennard-Jones勢能參數 38
3.5 實驗分析 43
3.5.1 摩擦力 43
3.5.2 正向力 43
3.5.3 摩擦係數 43
3.5.4 原子殘餘率 43
第4章 結果與討論 47
4.1 實驗範例說明 47
4.2 純Si系統刮痕速率對磨耗之影響 53
4.3 純Si系統表面重組基板對磨耗之影響 56
4.4 純Si系統正向力對磨耗之影響 64
4.5 不同鍍層粒子對磨耗之影響 69
第5章 結論及未來展望 78
5.1 結論 78
5.2 未來展望 79
第6章 參考文獻 80
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