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論文名稱(外文):The liquid /powder ratio effect on properties of calcium phosphate /calcium composite bone cement(II)
指導教授(外文):Chien-Ping JuChien-Ping Ju
外文關鍵詞:bone cementliguid powder ratio
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Calcium phosphate/calcium sulfate composite bone cement has excellent biocompatibility. Calcium phosphate has adequate mechanical properties and good osteoconductivity. Calcium sulfate is a kind of materials that has fast resorption in human body, and it will cover the drawback of poor degradation of calcium phosphate. When calcium sulfate dissolved, the calcium ion was released that makes the composite osteoinductive, in addition, calcium phosphate and calcium sulfate both have excellent biocompatibility. The resorbed calcium sulfate can be used as materials of bone matrix. Upon degrading it also generates porosities which makes the newly formed bone integrates into the implant along with the pore and contacts directly with crystals of calcium phosphate.
The aim of this study is to investigate the liquid-powder ratio effect on properties of calcium phosphate bone cement.
Results show that both JK1 and JK2 were able to improve the injectability of the paste by increasing liquid/powder ratio. This formula(with specific liquid/powder ratio) can be injected completely even through 30 cm tubes and maintained its shape without disintegration. Furthermore, increasing the liquid-powder ratio could increases porosity and degradation rates, which may help cell grow and attach more easily.

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
總目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 總序論 1
1-1 生醫材料的定義 1
1-2 生醫材料的分類 2
1-2-1依材料化學組成分類 2
1-3依活性分類 10
1-4生醫材料的發展 12
1-5 理想生醫材料的要求 17
1-6 生醫陶瓷種類 19
1-7 人體骨骼的簡介 22
1-8 骨取代物的簡介 32
1-8-1 生物學上骨取代物的要求 32
1-8-2 骨取代物的來源與種類 32
1-9 骨水泥的注射性 34
1-9-1 骨水泥可注射性評测方法 34
1-9-2 改善磷酸鈣骨水泥可注射性的方法 35
第二章 文獻回顧 38
2-1 硫酸鈣發展歷史 38
2-2 骨水泥添加物文獻參考 40
2-2-1添加金屬離子 40
2-2-2 添加高分子製造造孔隙 41
2-3 研究目的 42
第三章 實驗原理及步驟 43
3-1 崩解性質的測試 43
3-2 抗壓試片製作與強度測試 44
3-3 工作與硬化時間測量 45
3-4 pH值的量測 45
3-5 X-Ray diffraction(XRD)分析 47
3-6 Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM)表面觀察 48
3-7 孔隙度(Porosity)、重量損失測試 49
第四章 結果與討論 51
4-1 骨水泥性質測試 51
4-2 工作時間和硬化時間 51
4-3 骨水泥的崩解性質測試 53
4-4 骨水泥抗壓強度 63
4-5 骨水泥的孔隙度 64
4-6 骨水泥的重量損失 65
4-7 pH值分析 66
第五章 結論 76
參考文獻 77

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