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論文名稱(外文):Growth and characterization of cobalt silicide nanowires
指導教授(外文):Kuo-Chang Lu
外文關鍵詞:cobalt silicideChemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)ferromagnetismfield emission
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本論文利用化學氣相沉積法(Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)),於矽(100)基板上成長矽化鈷奈米線,並研究矽化鈷奈米線之成長因素與其物理性質的探討。為了瞭解影響矽化鈷奈米線生成之因素,將從矽(100)基板溫度、氣體流量及成長壓力等三大方向,觀察這些因素如何影響矽化鈷奈米線的生成及其形貌。其結果會發現當基板溫度為850~880℃時, CoSi奈米線最容易生成。當基板溫度為880~900℃時,則以Co2Si奈米線生成為主。氣體流量越小,在溫度為850~880℃的矽基板上CoSi奈米線生長顯著且茂密。CoSi奈米線在成長壓力為500torr下成長最為顯著。

In this work, cobalt silicide nanowires were synthesized by CVD processes on Si(100) substrates with anhydrous cobalt chloride (CoCl2) as precursors. Processing parameters, including the temperature of Si(100) substrates, the gas flow rate and the pressure of the reaction were varied and studied; additionally, the physical properties of the cobalt silicide nanowires were measured. It was found that single crystal CoSi nanowires were grown on 850~880℃ substrates at a lower gas flow rate, while single crystal Co2Si nanowires were grown on 880~900℃ substrates. The crystal structure and growth direction were identified and the surface oxide was discussed as well. Due to the reduced coordination of the surface cobalt atoms, CoSi nanowires grown here were found to be ferromagnetic, which is different from its behavior in bulk. Also, field emission measurements show that the CoSi nanowires were good field emission materials.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
總目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 簡介與研究目的 1
第二章 理論基礎 4
2-1 金屬矽化物 4
2-2 矽化物奈米線製備方法 7
2-2-1 矽化矽奈米線法 7
2-2-2 傳遞矽至金屬薄膜合成法 9
2-2-3 傳遞金屬供應源至矽基板合成法 10
2-2-3-1 氣體金屬 10
2-2-3-2 金屬鹵化物 12
2-2-4 同時傳遞矽與金屬原料合成法 12
2-2-4-1 化學氣相傳遞法(CVT) 12
2-2-4-2 化學氣相沉積法(CVD) 13
2-3 矽化鈷奈米線 15
2-3-1 矽化鈷簡介 15
2-3-2 矽化鈷奈米線的製備 16
2-3-2-1 化學氣相蒸鍍法-過渡金屬鹵化物[29] 16
2-3-2-2 化學氣相沉積法 – 過度金屬錯合物[30] 20
2-3-2-3 鈷薄膜上成長CoSi奈米線[31] 23
第三章 實驗方法 26
3-1 矽化鈷奈米線的製備 26
3-1-1 試片準備 26
3-1-2 矽化鈷奈米線製備 - 化學氣相蒸鍍法 27
3-2 實驗分析 30
3-2-1 表面型態與結構分析 30
3-2-1-1 掃描式電子顯微鏡 30
3-2-1-2 穿透式電子顯微鏡[33] 33
3-2-2 X光繞射分析儀 35
3-2-3 磁性量測 35
3-2-4 場發射量測 37
第四章 結果與討論 40
4-1 不同成長參數對矽化鈷奈米線型態之影響 40
4-1-1 不同的基板溫度[A、B、C、D] 40
4-1-2 不同的成長壓力[E、F、G] 50
4-1-3 不同的氣體流量[H、I、J、K] 52
4-2 矽化鈷奈米線之成長機制 56
4-2-1 CoSi奈米線 56
4-2-2 Co2Si奈米線 60
4-3 矽化鈷奈米線的磁性量測 62
4-4 場發射量測 65
第五章 結論 69
第六章 未來展望 70
參考文獻 71

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