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論文名稱(外文):Development of Aurora Electron Spectrometer
指導教授(外文):Chio-Zong Chen
外文關鍵詞:auroraelectrostatic analyzer
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本篇論文的主要研究目的是發展極光電子能譜儀,此儀器預定部屬至電離層上層的人造衛星以量測極光上空的電子流。其性能要求為:於40毫秒內分32能量階段量測介於10電子伏特至2萬電子伏特能量的電子,並以16方向區塊量測電子速度方向與地球磁磁場方向之間夾角的電子流強度分部。為達成上述目的,極光電子能譜儀使用高帽式靜電分析儀(top-hat electrostatic analyzer),並搭配微通道版(micro-channel plate, MCP)以量測電子的通量。此研究主要分成兩項工作:
一、 在電腦數值模擬的輔助之下設計極光電子能譜儀:
二、 以實驗驗證極光電子儀的性能:
In the thesis, we report the development of an Aurora Electron Spectrometer (AES) to measure the electron energy distribution in the 10eV - 20keV energy range with 40ms time resolution for full energy scan with 32 energy steps for deployment in the upper ionosphere above the aurora arc. AES also measures the full particle pitch angle distribution with 16 azimuthal channels. For this purpose, a combination of top-hat electrostatic analyzer and micro-channel plate (MCP) is adopted measure particle flux. Two major focuses of this work are:
1. AES Design by numerical simulations:
Numerical simulations are performed to estimate the AES performance with different design parameters and the best design is determined for the AES fabrication.
2. Performance check of AES by experiment:
A prototype of AES has been built and its performance has been checked by conducting calibration test using the beam line system at the Plasma and Space Science Center (PSSC) of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). The experiment results are compared with the simulation results. The differences between the experiment and the simulation are investigated.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Aurora and Electron Acceleration 1
1.2 Aurora Electron Spectrometer (AES) 6
Chapter 2 Top-hat Electrostatic Analyzer 8
2.1 Basic Principle 8
2.1.1 History 9
2.1.2 Performance of Top-hat Analyzer 12
2.2 Detector 15
Chapter 3 Design of Aurora Electron Spectrometer (AES) 20
3.1 AES Geometrical Parameters 20
3.2 Performance Goal 21
3.3 Simulation Method 22
3.4 Simulation Results 27
3.5 Final Design 32
Chapter 4 Experimental Test of AES 33
4.1Beam Line System 33
4.1.1 Beam Monitor 35
4.1.2 Beam Profile Measurement 37
4.2 AES Fabrication and Experiment Setup 39
4.3 Measurement Results 44
4.4 Discussion 48
Chapter 5 Summary and Future Work 53
Reference 56

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