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論文名稱(外文):Paper tectonics : sustainable design in paper
指導教授(外文):Tay-Sheng Jeng
外文關鍵詞:Paperpaper tectonicssustainable materials
  • 被引用被引用:4
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This paper starts from a general idea of green resources and discusses the concept of life cycle from products. Then it evaluates whether the design and materials achieve green life cycle. The design research selects paper as a green material and analyzes its scale, green life cycle model, and tectonics. The final goal is to use paper as building materials. The design process starts from paper tectonics and implements real scale mock-ups for review and discussion.
Under the crisis of energy and resource consumption, environmental protection is the concept that every design should consider. To develop sustainable green energy sources has become a trend nowadays. One of the significant issues is to make design products green and sustainable. A building as a design product is the combination of several
components. A building’s life cycle is the composite of many materials’ ones.
Replacing existing materials with green ones can create a green life cycle. This research presents the development ability and adaptabi
lity to use paper as a green building material. The purpose is to utilize only paper or paper with other composite materials to create a green space with different atmospheres and functions. Paper is recyclable, eco-friendly, light-weighted, and easy to assemble. From the point of view of building life cycle’s three steps-manufacturing, use, and demolition, paper is a green building material. This research studies paper tectonics and structural properties to using paper not only on surface materials and furniture but also on building components. Because of building materials consume a lot of energy nowadays; this research envisions that the use of paper as a green material can create a new direction for the world.
1. 緒論 ...................................................1
1.1. 研究背景及動機:綠色資源趨勢............................. 2
1.1.1. 產品 ...............................................3
1.1.2. 生命週期 ............................................4
1.2. 研究目標:以搖籃到搖籃為基礎的綠色生命週期及其應用 ...........5
1.2.1. 搖籃到搖籃 ..........................................6
1.2.2. 綠色生命週期 ........................................8
1.3. 研究議題:使用綠色材料的綠色建築生命週期 ..................13
1.3.1. 綠色建築生命週期 ....................................14
1.3.2. 綠色材料........................................... 16
1.3.3. 紙作為綠色材料 ......................................18
1.3.4. 議題.............................................. 19
1.4. 研究架構............................................. 20
2. 綠色材料評估、綠色建築生命週期與案例回顧分析 .................23
2.1. 綠色材料條件評估...................................... 25
2.2. 紙的綠色材料評估...................................... 29
2.2.1. 第一部分:綠色材料必要條件............................ 30
2.2.2. 第二部分:綠色材料生命週期 ............................32
2.2.3. 小結─以紙作為綠色建築材料 ............................34
2.3. 紙相關設計回顧 ........................................37
2.3.1. 物件 ..............................................38
2.3.2. 家具 ..............................................41
2.3.3. 建築 ..............................................45
2.4. 小結─紙相關設計分類................................... 55
2.4.1. 尺度 ..............................................56
2.4.2. 綠色生命週期模式.....................................57
2.4.3. 構造方法 ...........................................58
3. 築紙 ..................................................61
3.1. 紙材料特性與限制 ......................................63
3.1.1. 紙的性質 ...........................................64
3.1.2. 紙的適用性 .........................................68
3.2. 紙的設計性 ...........................................71
3.2.1. 榫結構 .............................................72
3.2.2. 疊結構 .............................................74
3.2.3. 摺結構 .............................................76
3.2.4. 編結構 .............................................78
3.2.5. 塑結構 .............................................79
3.3. 複合材料的條件與使用原則 ................................81
3.3.1. 補強不足處 .........................................82
3.3.2. 加強特殊性......................................... 83
4. 設計 ..................................................85
4.1. 設計A ...............................................88
4.1.1. 概念 ..............................................89
4.1.2. 組構重點 ...........................................91
4.1.3. 設計檢討 ...........................................92
4.2. 設計B ...............................................94
4.2.1. 概念 ..............................................95
4.2.2. 組構重點........................................... 96
4.2.3. 設計檢討 ...........................................98
4.3. 設計C.............................................. 100
4.3.1. 概念 .............................................101
4.3.2. 組構重點 ..........................................102
4.3.3. 設計檢討 ..........................................103
4.4. 設計D ..............................................104
4.4.1. 概念............................................. 105
4.4.2. 組構重點 ..........................................107
4.4.3. 設計檢討 ..........................................108
4.5. 設計E ..............................................110
4.5.1. 概念 .............................................111
4.5.2. 組構重點 ..........................................112
4.5.3. 設計檢討 ..........................................114
4.6. 設計F ..............................................116
4.6.1. 概念 .............................................117
4.6.2. 組構重點 ..........................................118
4.6.3. 設計檢討 ..........................................119
4.7. 設計G ..............................................120
4.7.1. 概念 .............................................121
4.7.2. 組構重點 ..........................................122
4.7.3. 設計檢討 ..........................................123
5. 討論 .................................................125
5.1. 紙的實用性.......................................... 127
5.2. 紙的技術性 ..........................................128
5.3. 紙的產業趨勢 .........................................130
5.4. 紙的設計 ............................................132
6. Conclusion ...........................................135
參考資料 .................................................137

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