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論文名稱(外文):Study on Starting Fuel Atomizer Design of Micro Gas Turbine Engine
指導教授(外文):Wei-Hsiang Lai
外文關鍵詞:Gas TurbineAtomizerSwirl Chamber DiametersInlet Orifices
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本研究針對微型渦輪引擎所使用之壓力式渦旋霧化器,進行不同參數設計,在釋流孔片設計中固定釋流孔孔徑(d0)大小為0.15 mm,同時維持相同l0/d0、LP/DP與LS值下,藉由改變渦漩腔進入孔口(DP)大小、渦漩腔直徑(DS)以及液體噴射壓力,來對壓力式渦旋霧化器之各項噴霧性能,如流量、流數、噴霧錐角與平均粒徑(SMD)等進行探討。
對於霧化器之噴霧錐角而言,於實驗結果中發現,當渦旋腔直徑(Ds)在較小值時,霧化器會有較大之霧化錐角,在此時改變渦旋腔進入口寬度(DP),能對霧化器之霧化錐角產生較明顯的影響,其影響趨勢為當渦旋腔進入口寬度(DP)逐漸縮小,霧化器噴霧錐角相對就提高,實驗中所得最佳霧化錐角設計參數為Ds =1.5 mm搭配DP =0.2 mm所得之79°。

An experimental investigation was conducted to study the starting fuel atomizer design and to measure its spray characteristics of swirl chamber diameters (DS) and inlet orifices (DP). With the same orifice diameter (d0), l0/d0, LP/DP and LS, the different swirl chamber diameters (DS) and inlet orifices (DP) were used to investigate the fuel starting atomizer.
According to the experimental results, the swirl chamber diameters (DS) and inlet orifices (DP) did not play an important role in the volume flow rate under condition of the fixed discharge orifice diameter (d0) and liquid jet pressure. The difference between swirl chamber diameter (DS) and inlet orifice (DP) could lead the spray angle to change. Here, an increase in the spray angle is found with decreasing swirl chamber diameter (DS). Conversely, the spray angle decreased if the swirl chamber diameter (DS) was increasing. It is also interesting to note that the atomizer spray angle increased with decreasing inlet orifice (DP) and decreased with increasing inlet orifice (DP). In contrast with the increasing inlet orifice, the decreasing inlet orifice had a greater influence on the spray angle.

目錄 I
表目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1霧化原理 2
1-2-2 霧化機制 3
1-2-3壓力式霧化器特性 9
1-2-4霧化器幾何尺寸與噴霧特性之研究 19
1-2-5 霧化器尺寸設計限制 20
1-3 研究動機與目的 21
第二章 實驗設備及儀器 22
2-1實驗設備 22
2-2 實驗量測儀器 24
2-2-1 RT-Sizer粒徑分析儀 24
2-2-2 攝影器材與影像處理系統 27
2-2-3 航空燃油 27
2-3實驗研究相關參數 28
第三章 實驗步驟及方法 31
3-1 實驗量測條件 31
3-2流量的量測 32
3-3流數的計算 32
3-4噴霧型態的拍攝觀察與噴霧錐角之量測 33
3-5Insitec雷射繞射粒徑分析儀的量測 33
3-6更換釋流孔片 34
3-7數據取樣與分析 40
第四章 結果與討論 41
4-1 霧化器之壓力─流量特性曲線、壓力─流數之關係 41
4-1-1 壓力─流量特性曲線 41
4-1-2 壓力─流數之關係 46
4-2 霧化器之噴霧型態與噴霧錐角 50
4-2-1 相同(Ds),不同 (Dp)之噴霧錐角比較 50
4-2-2 相同(Dp),不同(Ds)之噴霧錐角比較 64
4-3 霧化器之平均粒徑(SMD)與粒徑分佈 67
4-3-1相同(Ds),不同 (Dp)之平均粒徑(SMD)與粒徑分佈比較 67
4-3-2相同(Dp),不同(Ds)之平均粒徑比較 91
第五章 結論 94
第六章 未來工作 95
參考文獻 96
自述 99

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