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論文名稱(外文):The Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of Two-Dimensional Thrust-Vectoring Nozzle
指導教授(外文):Tsung-Leo Jiang
外文關鍵詞:Two-dimensional Thrust NozzleDynamic SimulationEfficiency Evaluation
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本研究使用數值模擬之方式,模擬二維向量噴嘴之動態內流場,做為二維向量噴嘴之效能評估。本研究之數值模擬使用Fluent軟體並採用SST k-ω紊流模式,並藉由文獻實驗結果驗證本數值模擬之準確性,比對結果顯示模擬值和實驗結果十分接近。本研究之目的在於模擬噴嘴出口導流板擺動過程之流場變化,並探討動態與穩態之推力與導流板受力之差異。由研究結果發現,動態之導流板出口平均速度較穩態小,所以動態操作時所得之推力較低。在上下平板往上擺動至30度時,二維暫態模擬與三維穩態模擬相比,下平板受力約減少27%,上平板受力則約減少14%。三維暫態模擬與三維穩態模擬相比,下平板受力約減少15%,上平板受力約減少9%。在左右平板向右擺動至15度時,三維暫態模擬與三維穩態模擬相比,右平板受力約減少23%,左平板受力約減少2%。推力效率方面從平板擺動前為83.41%,上下平板往上擺動至30度時降至74.75%;而左右平板往右擺動至15度時則降至82.44%。
The performance of a two-dimensional thrust-vectoring nozzle has been evaluated by the numerical simulation of its internal flow in the present study. The FLUENT software has been used in the numerical simulation, adopting the SST k-ω turbulent model. The numerical simulation has been validated by the available experimental results. The objective of the present study is to simulate the nozzle flow variation during the flapping process, and investigate the differences of the thrust and flap’s stress between the dynamic and steady-state operations. It has been found that the exhaust average velocity of the dynamic operation is lower than that of the steady-state one, reducing its thrust. When the pitch-flap swings up to 30 degrees, the dynamic stress of the upper flap reduces approximately by 27% and that of the nether flap decrease approximately by 14% in comparison to that of the steady-state operation by simplified two-dimensional simulation. However, for a complete three-dimensional analysis, the dynamic stress of the upper flap decreases approximately by 15%, and that of the nether flap decreases approximately by 9% in comparison to that of the steady-state operation. When the yaw-flap swings right to 15 degrees, the dynamic stress of the right flap decreases approximately by 23%, and that of the left flap decreases approximately by 2% in comparison to that of the steady-state operation. The present results show that the complete three-dimensional dynamic simulation is in better agreement with the actual situation than the steady simulation. The thrust efficiency is 83.41% before the flap swings. The thrust efficiency is down to 74.75%, when the pitch-flap swings up to 30 degrees. The thrust efficiency is down to 82.44% when the yaw-flap swings right to 15 degrees.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
符號說明 XV
第一章 導論 - 1 -
§1-1 前言 - 1 -
§1-2 文獻回顧 - 4 -
§1-3 研究動機及目的 - 12 -
第二章 數學與物理模型 - 13 -
§2-1 噴嘴特性 - 13 -
§2-2 基本假設 - 14 -
§2-3 氣相流場統御方程式 - 15 -
§2-4 紊流模式 - 17 -
§2-5 邊牆函數模式(Wall Function) - 19 -
第三章 數值方法 - 21 -
§3-1 控制體積轉換之傳輸方程式 - 22 -
§3-2 Pressure-Based之SIMPLE運算法則 - 22 -
§3-3 鬆弛係數 - 23 -
§3-4 收斂標準 - 24 -
§3-5 動態網格模擬原理 - 24 -
§3-5-1動態網格守恆方程式 - 24 -
§3-5-2 動態網格更新方法 - 25 -
第四章 結果與討論 - 30 -
§4-1 CASE A與鄭兆均【10】比較之結果 - 32 -
§4-2 CASE B與Asbury等人【12】比較之結果 - 34 -
§4-3 三維穩態計算流場網格獨立測試 - 35 -
§4-4 CASE C 之向量噴嘴設計 - 36 -
§4-5 三維穩態噴嘴內流場分析 - 36 -
§4-6 CASE C之二維暫態噴嘴內流場分析 - 38 -
§4-7 CASE C三維暫態噴嘴內流場分析 - 40 -
第五章結論與未來工作 - 44 -
附錄A-推力效率之定義 - 48 -
參考文獻 - 50 -
圖表 - 54 -
自述 - 97 -
著作權聲明 - 98 -
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