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論文名稱(外文):Insulation and Deformation Analysis of Fire Door under Different Materials
指導教授(外文):San-Yih Lin
外文關鍵詞:finite element methodheat analysisstructural analysisfire doorunexposed temperaturedeformation
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論文旨在利用有限元素法(Finite Element Method)來模擬鋼製防火門在不同材質下的背溫及變形量之分析研究,本文採用有限元素法分析軟體ANSYS為數值模擬工具。在程式驗證方面,首先以Ugural推導簡支圓板受溫度負載之理論解與數值模擬結果比較。並在考慮傳導、對流及輻射效應等係數情形下,將模擬結果與Tabaddor的研究結果進行比較,證實有限元素軟體可有效預測溫度變化及變形量。最後設計一符合防火等級之防火門,以業界常用的隔熱層間材與中心材為參數,並測試各種中心材與層間材的排列組合,觀察各種隔熱材料對防火門的影響,並找出一種阻熱效果最好的層間材與中心材的組合。由上述測試得以下結論:

This paper is to investigate the unexposed temperature distribution and deformation of a fire door with different materials in a furnace by numerical simulations. The finite element method by the ANSYS is used for the numerical simulation tool. In the part of verification, first, the numerical simulation comparison with the exact solution of simply supported circular plate to thermal loading performed by Ugural. Second, the fire door proposed by Tabaddor the effect of radiation is very important in this case. The simulation results is compared well with Tabaddor. It indicates that the finite element software can well predict the temperature distribution and deformation. Finally, the design of a fire door, this study based on the materials choice is investigated. A variety of permutations and combinations for laminate plank board and sandwich board are choice. As much as possible to observe the impact of various insulation materials of fire door, we find out the best of a fire resistance combination for laminate plank board and sandwich board. From the above tests, the following conclusions are given:
(1) In the parameters of structural materials, the thermal expansion coefficient is important factors on deformation of a fire door.
(2) Excluding the chemical reaction, affect the maximum should be the framework of door frame and the skeleton structure of fire door.

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
符號說明 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機與目的 3
1-3文獻回顧 5
1-4內容大綱 7
第二章 防火門規範與基礎理論 10
2-1防火門規範 10
2-1-1防火門定義 10
2-1-2建築用防火門耐火試驗 11
2-1-3各規範加熱條件差異 14
2-2熱傳遞理論 15
2-2-1熱傳導 16
2-2-2熱對流 17
2-2-3熱輻射 21
2-3熱變形 23
第三章 數值方法 25
3-1前言 25
3-2耦合概述 25
3-3數值方法 27
3-3-1熱分析 27
3-3-2非線性結構分析 32
3-4 ANSYS之操作步驟 35
第四章 程式驗證 40
4-1程式驗證一:簡支樑受熱負載之變形 40
4-1-1簡支樑之理論解 40
4-1-2簡支樑之模擬分析 44
4-2程式驗證二:簡支圓板受熱負載之變形 47
4-2-1簡支圓板之理論解 47
4-2-2簡支圓板之模擬分析 51
4-3程式驗證三:鋼製防火門熱傳遞與變形量分析 52
4-3-1實驗設計 53
4-3-2基本假設與邊界條件 54
4-3-3鋼製防火門之模擬分析 56
第五章 防火門在不同材質下之測試分析 59
5-1前言 59
5-2實驗設計 60
5-3原始防火門介紹與邊界條件 61
5-4不同材料下的模擬 62
5-5模擬結果與討論 64
第六章 結論與建議 69
參考文獻 72
自述 123

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