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論文名稱:The Effects of Personality Traits, Learning Styles and Math Anxiety on the Acceptance of Digital Games in Education: A Bolivian Experience
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Personality Traits, Learning Styles and Math Anxiety on the Acceptance of Digital Games in Education: A Bolivian Experience
指導教授(外文):Yung Hsin Chen
外文關鍵詞:UTAUTEducational digital gamesLearning stylesMath anxietyPersonality traits
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This thesis intends to extend the UTAUT framework to an education context and examines the effect of learning styles, math anxiety and personality traits on the acceptance of educational digital games in primary and secondary schools in southwest Bolivia. Using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling this study attempts to gain an insight on the mediating and antecedent role of the constructs used to extend UTAUT.
The results obtained show that behavioral intention depends highly (total effects) on the level of anxiety a student has and this is determinant to the intention to adopt or use edu-games. Anxiety is a determinant factor for the way a student will create his expectations of how much effort is required to use edu-games and how it expects the edu-games to perform. Likewise, the level of anxiety will determine how the student will be influenced by his social network.
Emotional instability or a neurotic personality will be a determinant factor for the intention to adopt or use edu-games. An open personality and a “do” learning style have no significant effect on the intention to use edu-games. Finally, the study found no significant moderating effect of age and gender on the intention to use edu-games.
1.1 Research Background. 1
1.2 Research Objectives. 2
1.3 Research Procedures. 3
1.4 Research Structure. 4
2.1 Technology Acceptance Model. 5
2.2 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. 8
2.3 Performance Expectancy. 9
2.4 Effort Expectancy. 10
2.5 Social Influence. 11
2.6 Math Anxiety. 12
2.7 Effect of Personality Traits on Technology Adoption. 15
2.8 Effect of Learning Styles on Technology Adoption. 18
3.1 Conceptual Model. 21
3.2 Research Design. 25
3.3 Sampling Plan, Location and Respondents. 25
3.4 Questionnaire Design. 26
3.5 Data Analysis Procedure. 26
3.6.1 Descriptive Statistic Analysis. 26
3.6.2 Structural Equation Modeling. 26
3.6.5 Determining Moderating Factors. 27
4.1 Descriptive Analytics. 28
4.1.1 Sample and Data Collection Procedures. 28
4.2 Measurement Results for the Relevant Research Variables. 29
4.3 Structural Equation Modeling. 36
4.3.1 Comparison between Models. 36
4.3.2 Convergent Validity. 38
4.3.3 Discriminant Validity. 38
4.3.4 Outer Model Weights. 41
4.3.5 Inner Model Coefficients. 42
4.3.6 Testing the Hypotheses. 42
4.3.7 Moderating Effect of Age. 46
4.3.8 Moderating Effect of Gender. 47
4.3.9 Indirect and Total Effects. 47
5.1 Discussion of Research Findings. 50
5.2 Contribution. 54
5.3 Practical Implications. 55
5.4 Research Limitations and Recommendations. 56
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