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研究生(外文):Kyaw PhyoLinn
論文名稱:The Impact of Aesthetics Website Design and Users’ Cognitive Maps on Website Effectiveness
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Aesthetics Website Design and Users’ Cognitive Maps on Website Effectiveness
指導教授(外文):Chin-Ho Lin
外文關鍵詞:AestheticsCognitive MapsWebsite DesignPerceptionsTrustsIntention to useCultural differenceIndividual internet skills
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The World Wide Web is growing dramatically every year. According to Cisco’s visual networking index, World Wide Web will be 4 times larger in year 2015 than 2010. Internet become part of our daily life and corporates website become more important than past decades. Keep in mind that main objective of this research is to determine user’s intention to use website through perceptions and trusts on website by determining users’ cognitive maps and website’s aesthetics design factors in consideration of cultural difference and individual skill. This study employed experiment method to collect the data and applied extensive statistical methods to test hypotheses proposed. This research found not only significant effects of users’ cognitive map and aesthetics website design, also the interactions effects of those variables. The findings of significant relationship between outcome variables are surplus. This study also found the significant moderation of cultural difference and individual internet skills.
1.1 Research Background. 1
1.1.1 Cognitive Maps and World Wide Web. 4
1.1.2 Researches on Websites’ Design. 6
1.2 Research Objective and Contribution. 7
1.3 Research Procedure. 8
1.4 The Structure of this Study. 9
2.1 Aesthetics in Website Design. 11
2.2 Cognitive Maps. 14
2.3 Website Design Perceptions. 16
2.4 Trusts on Website. 18
2.4.1 Online trust. 19
2.5 Hypothesis Development. 21
3.1 The Conceptual Model. 28
3.2 Summary of Research Hypotheses. 29
3.3 Research Design. 30
3.4 Measuring Research Constructs. 31
3.5 Methods for Assessing Cognitive Maps. 35
3.6 Experiment Design and Procedure. 36
3.7 Research Approach. 38
3.8 Sampling. 38
3.9 Data Analysis. 39
3.9.1 Descriptive Statistics. 40
3.9.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. 40
3.9.3 Reliability Analysis. 43
3.9.4 Validity Analysis. 44
3.9.5 Addressing Possible Common Method Bias in the Current Research. 46
4.1 Descriptive Analysis. 48
4.1.1 Characteristics of Respondents. 48
4.1.2 Measurement Results for Relevant Research Variables. 50
4.2 Manipulation Check in Main Study. 52
4.3 Factor Analysis and Reliability Test. 52
4.3.1 Website Design Perceptions. 53
4.3.2 Trusts on Website. 54
4.3.3 Intention to Use Website. 55
4.4 Confirmatory Factor Analysis. 55
4.5 Control Group Analysis. 59
4.5.1 Measurement Results for Relevant Variable. 59
4.3.2 The Difference Results between Experimental Group and Control Group. 61
5.1 Different between Factors of Research Constructs. 62
5.1.1 Cognitive Maps. 62
5.1.2 Testing Difference between Research Variables (General Linear Model). 63
5.2 The Interaction Effects of Aesthetics and Cognitive Maps. 66
5.3 Structural Equation Model. 67
5.4 Moderation Effect of Cultural Difference and Individual Internet Skills. 71
5.4.1 Moderation Effect of Cultural Difference. 71
5.4.3 Moderating Effect of Individual Internet Skills. 72
5.5 Common Method Bias. 75
6.1 Discussions. 77
6.1.1 Discussion on RQ1: Effects of Cognitive Maps and Aesthetics on Perceptions. 78
6.1.2 Discussion on RQ2: Factors that Influence User’s Intention to Use Website. 81
6.1.3 Discussion on RQ3: The Influence of Moderating Factors on User’s Intention To Use Website. 83
6.2 Theoretical Implications. 85
6.3 Practical Implications. 87
6.4 Limitation and Future Research. 89
Appendix-1: Experimental Websites 104
Appendix-2: Questionnaire for Experiment 108
Appendix-3: List of Menu Items Extracted from the Respondents 112
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