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論文名稱(外文):Two Essays on Related Parties Transactions
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Ren Chiou
外文關鍵詞:Related Parties TransactionsEarnings ManagementRegulationFirm Value
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第二個部分主要在探討,揭露法令是否會影響有與中國子公司間進行關係人交易的台灣企業的企業價值。本研究使用2000-2003,透過海外第三地投資中國並與中國子公司進行關係人交易的台灣上市櫃企業,以及這些企業1996-1999的資料作為樣本。使用Tobin’s Q、 residual income及return-based模型進行測試。實證結果發現,當市場瞭解企業有與其中國子公司間進行關係人交易行為時,會給予負向的評價。而產業測試結果亦發現,高科技業的企業價值較非高科技業高。然而,在公司治理機制的測試部分,結果顯示,只有部分的治理機制會影響關係人交易對企業價值的衝擊。
Two essays of my dissertation deal with the effects of related parties transactions between Taiwanese companies and their Chinese affiliates on earnings management and firm value. The first essay examines whether earnings management behaviors occur among Taiwanese companies investing in China and conducting transactions with their Chinese affiliates. Using the Taiwanese listed companies invested in China via offshore affiliates and conducts transactions with their Chinese affiliates during 2000-2003. Our results show that firms that have transactions with their Chinese affiliates may manipulate reported earnings, and the level of earnings management in high-tech firms is higher than in non-high-tech firms. In addition, our results show that the levels of financial leverage, managerial compensation, and some executive power would positively and significantly affect the degree of earnings management. Finally, we examine the effects of corporate government mechanisms on earnings management. Our findings indicate that there is significantly negative relationship between some external monitoring functions and the degree of earnings management. Overall, the study shows that government policies and regulations affect the level of earnings management that is associated with the related party transactions that occur between Taiwanese firms investing China and their Chinese affiliates.
The second essay examines whether disclosure regulations affect firm value among Taiwanese companies investing in China and conducting transactions with their Chinese affiliates. Using the Taiwanese listed companies invested in China via offshore affiliates and disclosed transactions with their Chinese affiliates during 2000-2003 and their data during 1996-1999. We use Tobin’s Q, residual income, and return-based models, and we find significantly lower firm value when the market learns that firms have established related parties transactions with their Chinese affiliates. Moreover, our results indicate that there is a significantly positive relationship between high-tech firms. Finally, our results show that partial corporate government mechanisms affect the impact of related party transactions on firm value.
ESSAY I : Regulations, Earnings Management and Related Party Transactions 1
1. Introduction 2
2. Historical Background 6
3. Literature Review 8
3.1 Regulations and Earnings Management 8
3.2 Earnings Management through Related Parties Transactions 9
3.3 Related-party Transactions, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management 10
4. Hypotheses Development 11
5. Data and Regression Models 16
5.1 Sample Selection and Descriptive Data 16
5.2 Discretionary Accruals 18
5.3 Regression Analysis 20
6. Empirical Results 22
6.1 Empirical Results of Main Analysis 22
6.2 Empirical Results of Matching firms 26
6.3 Empirical Results of Performance-Adjusted 28
7. Conclusions 31
References 33
ESSAY II : Related Party Transactions: Disclosure, Firm Value and Corporate Governance 37
1. Introduction 38
2. Historical Background 41
3. Literature Review 43
3.1 RPT and Earnings Manipulation 43
3.2 RPT and Firm Valuation 44
3.3 RPT, Firm Valuation, and Corporate Governance 45
4. Hypotheses Development 46
5. Data and Regression Models 50
5.1 Sample Selection and Descriptive Data 50
5.2 Firm Value Model 53
6. Empirical Results 57
6.1 Tobin’s Q Analysis 57
6.2 RIM Analysis 60
6.3 Return-based Analysis 62
7. Conclusions 64
References 66

Essay 1:
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Chiou, J., K. Lin, and T. Huang. 2003. The related party transactions of Taiwan enterprises in mainland China. Mainland China Studies 46 (1), 23-46.
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