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論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and self-assembly of binary colloidal crystals by drop-coating method
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chun Wu
外文關鍵詞:Binary colloidal crystalDrop-coatingcrystallizationself-assembly
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本研究利用滴定塗裝法來合成二元膠體晶體探討製程參數對於二元膠體晶體結構之影響。首先利用Stöber Process製備粒徑從160至780 nm之不同大小的球形二氧化矽粒子,以不同粒徑比(RS/RL)及數量比(NS/NL)的配比方式,將兩種大小不同的二氧化矽球形粒子分散於水中,形成二元膠體溶液。膠體溶液的濃度分別控制在1-5 wt%之間。將均勻分散的懸浮液以滴管吸取滴在經過親水處理之玻片上,而後再放置於恆溫恆濕器中,以不同溫度或溼度來進行乾燥。乾燥後之膠體晶體膜以掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察其排列樣貌。實驗結果顯示溫度、溼度、兩種不同顆粒粒徑尺寸比、兩種不同顆粒粒徑數量比以及懸浮液重量百分濃度均與最後的晶體結構具有相當的關連性。當中又以溫度為最具影響力的參數。實驗溫度範圍控制在40-90℃,由於懸浮液中的粒子間有著布朗運動的效應,因此有一最低溫度點,該溫度點為提供粒子動能的最低限度能量,一旦達到此動能便可產生有序膠體晶體排列,此後隨著溫度的上升,粒子有著足夠的動能去移動,且促使膠體晶體膜的整齊範圍增大,當溫度到達90℃時可達到最大範圍整齊的膠體晶體膜。此外,當懸浮液的濃度上升時,可使膠體溶液單位體積內因顆粒數量變多,導致粒子可活動空間變小,亦有助於膠體粒子之有序排列。實驗結果同樣也顯示濕度的影響,晶體結構會隨濕度的上升或下降而改變,當溼度上升整體的蒸發速率下降,導致中間的補償流無法將粒子帶至液滴邊緣乾燥,因此中央部分濃度升高後,粒子開始有凝聚的現象破壞晶體結構。而不同的粒徑比也對膠體晶體的結構具有十分的影響力,結果顯示當參數條件穩定,粒徑比介於0.17到0.23時會得到有序膠體晶體膜,而不同的顆粒數量比會致使顆粒與顆粒的間隙拉大,改變晶體型態。因此如何控制這些參數是製備二元有序膠體晶體的關鍵。接著利用紫外-近紅外光光譜儀量測製備的二元膠體晶體,得到二元膠體晶體系統中,其呈現的吸收峰同時存在一元膠體系統與二元膠體系統的吸收峰,隨著粒徑比的上升,兩系統的比例會開始上升,同時晶體間的孔隙率逐漸下降,當粒徑比為0.2時有一最佳條件。
This present work investigated the influence of synthetic parameters upon the self-assembly behavior and the structure of binary colloidal crystal. In this study, spherical silica particles with size ranging from 135 to 780 nm were synthesized via Stöber process and the binary colloidal crystals were prepared by drop-coating method. Two different silica spheres with different sizes ratios (RS / RL) and number ratios (NS / NL) ratio were dispersed in water to form binary colloidal solutions for the film deposition. The binary colloidal solution was drop on a hydrophilic treated glass slide and dried under various temperatures and relative humidities. According to the experiment results, the temperature was found to be one of the most important factors determining the giving structure of the colloidal crystal. The ordered range of the binary colloidal crystal films was enlarged with increasing the temperature due to the enhancement of diffusion mobility of the colloidal particles. Accordingly, the optimal temperature for obtaining an ordered binary colloidal crystal is set at 90ºC. In addition, the increase of the concentration of the colloidal solution was also beneficial for the formation of a dense and ordered colloidal crystal structure due to the increase of the collision probability among particles that leads to a better dispersion between two different colloidal particles during the drying process.
During the crystallization of colloidal crystal, the large colloidal particles play a predominant role for the arrangement where the small particles are filled in the interstices. Therefore, a dense and ordered structure can be only obtained at a size ratio ranging from 0.17- 0.23. As the size ratio is higher than 0.17, the large particles become no longer predominant for the arrangement and finally results in a disorder arrangement. Besides, the number ratio over 80 is necessary to obtain a three-dimensional ordered colloidal crystal; otherwise, the number of small particles are not enough to fill the whole interstices among large particles.

Abstract I
摘要 III
誌謝 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章、前言 1
1. 1研究動機 1
1. 2研究目的 2
第二章、相關理論 3
2. 1光子晶體之性質與應用 3
2. 1. 1 光子晶體的簡介 3
2. 1. 2 光子晶體的光學性質 7
2. 2 膠體晶體的製備 10
2. 2. 1 自然重力沉降法 11
2. 2. 2 垂直沉降法 12
2. 2. 3等溫誘導加熱自組裝法 13
2. 2. 4電極誘導沈積法 14
2. 2. 5磁場誘導沈積法 15
2. 2. 6 滴定塗裝法 16
2. 3影響滴定塗裝法之相關參數討論 19
2. 3. 1膠體溶液的穩定性 19
2. 3. 2 凡德瓦爾作用力 ( van der waals force ) 20
2. 3. 3 靜電作用力 ( electrostatic force ) 22
2. 3. 4. DLVO理論 23
2. 3. 5 溫度的影響 26
2. 3. 6 皮立克數( Peclet number)、毛細力數以及Maragoni number 28
2. 3. 7碰撞頻率 34
第三章、實驗方法與步驟 35
3. 1、製備均一粒徑球型的二氧化矽膠體球 36
3. 2 二氧化矽膠體球之性質量測 40
3. 3膠體晶體之製備 43
3. 4性質量測與分析 45
第四章、結果與討論 46
4. 1影響滴定塗裝法之相關參數探討 46
4. 1. 1溫度對膠體粒子自組裝的影響 46
4. 1. 2相對溼度對膠體粒子自組裝的影響 51
4. 1. 3液滴濃度對膠體粒子自組裝的影響 55
4. 1. 4不同粒徑尺寸對膠體粒子自組裝的影響 58
4. 1. 5不同顆粒比對膠體粒子自組裝的影響 64
4. 2膠體晶體的光學性質分析 72
4. 2. 1不同粒徑尺寸比的影響 72
第五章、結論 79
參考文獻 81

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