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論文名稱(外文):The Influence of TCO/p Interface on Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells Performances
指導教授(外文):Mau-Phon Houng
外文關鍵詞:P-μc-Si:H layerI-a-Si:H layerAnti-reflection layerShort-circuit currentSilicon thin-film solar cells
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為了提升矽薄膜太陽能電池效率,我們使用多種技術,有效地改善薄膜太陽能電池之光性與電性。藉著於透明導電層與p型氫化非晶碳化矽層之間沉積一層p型氫化微晶矽層,提升非晶矽薄膜太陽能電池特性並改善表面能障之問題,結果顯示高效率太陽能電池可被實現,結合一層p型氫化微晶矽層於太陽能電池中,可提高開路電壓、短路電流與填充因子。然後,我們研究非晶矽本質層之沉積溫度與電極距離對於太陽能電池之影響進而提升短路電流與轉換效率,其證明非晶矽本質層之吸收係數可被提升並提供高短路電流,利用最佳參數可改善非晶矽太陽能電池之短路電流由16.06 mA/cm2提升至16.52 mA/cm2,至於轉換效率由10.61%提高至10.86%。
除此之外,我們製作抗反射層並應用於堆疊式(a-Si:H/μc-Si:H)太陽能電池中,利用電漿輔助化學氣相沉積系統使用四氟化碳與氧氣之混合氣體產生多孔性抗反射層於玻璃基板上,具有抗反射層之堆疊式太陽能電池因提升光穿透性而使得短路電流由11.16 mA/cm2增加至11.45 mA/cm2,其增加0.29 mA/cm2,同時,太陽能之轉換效率從11.15%提升至11.55%。最後,我們將之前所研究之GZO/p-μc-Si:H結構、高吸收特性之非晶矽本質層與抗反射層應用於堆疊太陽能電池,然而,於實驗中得知,堆疊太陽能電池為了電流匹配,其Jsc_top必須提升至12.9 mA/cm2。有鑑於光電流提升之問題,故當沉積非晶矽本質層時,藉著高沉積溫度與高電極距離來提升Jsc_top,在輸入功率Pin = 100 mW/cm2及最佳結構與沉積條件下,獲得最佳轉換效率為13.17% (Voc = 1366 mV、Jsc = 13.1 mA/cm2與FF = 0.736)。

For current status of global solar energy, the photovoltaic world market is dominated by crystalline silicon solar cells which account for nearly 90% of world PV cell and module production. Thin film solar cells are believed to be candidates for significant production volume in the future because of their potential to reach the very low cost target of 〈US$ 1/watt. Silicon is an abundant material. Thus, low cost silicon thin-film solar cells have a good chance of gaining a significant market share. However, a significant increase in efficiency improvement is a crucial and key task for silicon thin film solar cells in the near future.
In order to improve the efficiency, we use several technologies to effectively improve the optical properties and electrical performance for the thin film solar cells. By inserting a thin p-type hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (p-μc-Si:H) layer between transparent conductive oxide (TCO) and p-type hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (p-a-SiC:H) layer, the photovoltaic performances of amorphous silicon solar cells can be improved due to reduction of the surface potential barrier. The results show that higher efficiency can be produced by incorporating the p-μc-Si:H layer into the solar cell so as to improve the open-circuit voltage (Voc), short-circuit current density (Jsc) and fill factor (FF). Besides, we study the effects of deposition temperatures and electrode distances in the i-a-Si:H layer of a-Si:H solar cells with regard to enhanced the Jsc and thereby conversion efficiency. It is demonstrated that the absorption coefficient in an i-a-Si:H layer can be increased to provide higher Jsc under fixed thickness. Results show that the optimized parameters improve the Jsc of a-Si:H solar cells from 16.06 to 16.52 mA/cm2, yielding an excellent conversion efficiency of 10.86%.
Furthermore, an anti-reflection (AR) layer has been fabricated and applied in micromorph tandem (a-Si:H/μc-Si:H) solar cells. The porous AR layers are produced on glass substrates by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using a CF4 and O2 gas mixture. The tandem solar cells with the AR layer show the increased Jsc of the solar cells due to increased light transmittance from air/glass interface. With the AR layer, the Jsc of the tandem cell increases by 0.29 mA/cm2. Meanwhile, the solar cell efficiency increases from 11.15% to 11.55% (3.5% in relative) which allows us to develop more efficient a-Si:H based solar cells. Finally, this study has reported the development of a-Si:H/μc-Si:H solar cells with GZO/p-μc-Si:H structure, high absorption coefficient of top i-a-Si:H layer and AR layer. However, the Jsc_top must be raised at least 12.9 mA/cm2 for current matching in the tandem cells. By using high deposition temperature and electrode distance parameters when depositing the i-a-Si:H layer, a best-result solar cell achieved an excellent conversion efficiency = 13.17%, Voc = 1366 mV, Jsc = 13.1 mA/cm2 and FF = 0.736.

Abstract (Chinese)………………..........……………………………………………I
Abstract (English)………………..........…………………………………………III
Figure Captions………………............……………………………………………XI
Table Captions………..………................………………………………….….…XV
Chapter 1 Introduction…......…...…………………………………………………1
1.1 Motive…………………………....……………………………………………1
1.2 Thesis Organization…………...................……………………………………4
Chapter 2 Background Theory…….....……………………………………………7
2.1 Solar Cell Principle……………....................…………………………………7
2.2 Solar Cell Type and Efficiency…………………..........………………………8
2.3 Solar Cell Characterization…………....……………………………………10
2.3.1 Current-Voltage Characteristics…………………………………....…..11
2.3.2 Differences in the J-V Characteristics of μc-Si:H and a-Si:H Solar
2.3.3 Quantum Efficiency…………………..………………………………..15
Chapter 3 Experiments………........………………………………………………18
3.1 Deposition system………..……......…………………………………………18
3.1.1 Physical Vapor Deposition by Sputtering…….………………………..18
3.1.2 Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition………………………19
3.2 Thin Film Analysis……..….…………………………………………………21
3.2.1 Scanning Electron Microscope…………...…………………………..22
3.2.2 Atomic Force Microscope…………………………………………..22
3.2.3 Spectroscopic Ellipsometer…...……..………………………………23
3.2.4 Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrophotometer…………….…………..23
3.3 Solar Cell Device Measurement…….......................…………………………23
3.4 Fabrication of the Solar Cells………………...………………………………25
3.4.1 Improvement of AZO/p-a-SiC:H Contact by the P-μc-Si:H
Insertion Layer……………………………..……...…………………..25
3.4.2 A-Si:H Solar Cells with the GZO/p-μc-Si:H Structure……………..26
3.4.3 High Absorption Coefficient Intrinsic Amorphous Silicon Layers..…28
3.4.4 Improvement of the Short-Circuit Current in Tandem Solar Cells by
an Anti-Reflection Layer…….……….………………………………..29
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion………...........…………………………………32
4.1 Improvement of AZO/p-a-SiC:H Contact by the P-μc-Si:H Insertion Layer...32
4.1.1 Surface Morphology of AZO Layer……..……...…………………..32
4.1.2 AZO/p-a-SiC:H and AZO/p-μc-Si:H Potential Barrier…..……..…..33
4.1.3 AZO/p-a-SiC:H and AZO/p-μc-Si:H in a-Si:H Solar Cells……..…34
4.1.4 I-V Parameters for the a-Si:H Solar Cells with Different H2/SiH4
Ratios of the P-μc-Si:H Layer………….……………….……………..35
4.1.5 I-V Parameters for the a-Si:H Solar Cells with Different Thicknesses
of the P-μc-Si:H Layer………………………………….……………..37
4.1.6 Summary………………………………………………………..….…38
4.2 A-Si:H Solar Cells with the SnO2/GZO/p-μc-Si:H Structure……………..…39
4.2.1 Optical Properties of Glass/SnO2 and Glass/SnO2/GZO Films…...…..39
4.2.2 I-V Parameters for the a-Si:H Solar Cells with Different Thicknesses
of the P-μc-Si:H Layer……………………………….……………..40
4.2.3 I-V Parameters for the a-Si:H Solar Cells with Different B2H6/SiH4
of the P-μc-Si:H Layer………………………….……………………..41
4.2.4 I-V Parameters for the a-Si:H Solar Cells with Different H2/SiH4 of
the P-μc-Si:H Layer…………………………………….……………..42
4.2.5 I-V Parameters for the a-Si:H Solar Cells with Different Structures…44
4.2.6 Summary………………………………………………………..….…45
4.3 High Absorption Coefficient Intrinsic Amorphous Silicon Layers…...…..…46
4.3.1 Optical and Material Properties of the I-a-Si:H Layers.…………..…..46
4.3.2 I-V Parameters for the a-Si:H Solar Cells with Different Deposition
Temperatures of the I-a-Si:H Layers…………………….…………..49
4.3.3 I-V Parameters for the a-Si:H Solar Cells with Different Electrode
Distances of the I-a-Si:H Layers………………..……….…………..51
4.3.4 I-V Parameters for the a-Si:H Solar Cells with High Deposition
Temperature and Electrode Distance of the I-a-Si:H Layers...……..53
4.3.5 Summary………………………………………………………..….…54
4.4 Anti-Reflection Layers………..…………………………….........………..…54
4.4.1 Optical and Material Properties of the AR Layer.............................…..54
4.4.2 I-V Parameters for the Tandem Solar Cells with AR Layers…..…..57
4.4.3 Summary………………………………………………………..….…59
4.5 Tandem Solar Cells with High Absorption Coefficient Intrinsic Amorphous
Silicon Layers and AR Layers.................…….……………………………60
Chapter 5 Conclusion………......................................…………….......…………63
Publication List…………….................……………………………………………74

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