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論文名稱(外文):Enhancement Mode In0.53Ga0.47As Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors with Solution Processed Gate Insulator
指導教授(外文):Yeong-Her Wang
外文關鍵詞:InGaAsHigh-κ dielectricSol-gelSolution processes
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高介電質材料鋯鈦酸鋇及二氧化鈦為氧化層應用在n通道增強型In0.53Ga0.47As金氧半場效電晶體已成功地被製作出。其中高介電質材料則是利用溶膠凝膠法,藉由溶膠凝膠方式則具有簡易製程、低成本、低溫以及薄膜具有高均勻性之優點。介電常數在鋯鈦酸鋇及二氧化鈦分別為6.67與19.3。根據X光繞射儀分析結果顯示出鋯鈦酸鋇及二氧化鈦皆為非晶向,藉此也證實此材料具有較小的顆粒邊界使得漏電流降低因此可應用在絕緣層的材料。此外,漏電流在1 A/mm2的條件下,使用鋯鈦酸鋇作為絕緣層時,逆向崩潰電場為 2.233 MV/cm、界面陷阱密度約為3.94 × 1012 cm-2eV-1。不過,使用二氧化鈦為絕緣層,逆向崩潰電場則可超過 3.501 MV/cm、界面陷阱密度則降到2.87 × 1012 cm-2eV-1。這些材料做為絕緣層應用於增強型金氧半場效電晶體中也可被製作出。
此外,利用鋯鈦酸鋇作為絕緣層的砷化銦鎵金氧半場效電晶體,通道長度為1.42微米,最大電流在閘極順偏電壓2 V為21.3 mA/mm、轉移電導為17.1 mS/mm、臨界電壓為0.488 V以及次臨界擺幅為288.85 mV/decade。然而,利用二氧化鈦作為絕緣層的電晶體,通道長度為1.57微米,最大電流在閘極順偏電壓2 V為45.4 mA/mm、轉移電導為94.3 mS/mm、臨界電壓為0.057 V以及次臨界擺幅為196.89 mV/decade。根據以上的數據可得知,使用二氧化鈦應用在砷化銦鎵金氧半場效電晶體上具有比鋯鈦酸鋇還要好的電特性,像是較高的最大電流、較高的轉移電導、較低的臨界電壓、較低的次臨界擺幅。

Enhancement mode In0.53Ga0.47As n-type metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFET) with barium zirconate titanate (BZT) and TiO2 high-κ materials as gate dielectrics are presented. The high-κ gate dielectrics were prepared by sol-gel solution process, which has the advantages of simple process, low cost, low temperature, and high uniformity. The chemical composition of BZT confirmed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was estimated as Ba0.89Zr0.96Ti0.08O3.05. The dielectric constant of BZT and TiO2 were 6.67 and 19.3, respectively. According to the XRD results, the BZT and TiO2 films were shown in amorphous phase, which also made these materials more reliable as insulators due to less grain boundaries with lower leakage current. Moreover, the reverse breakdown electrical field of 2.233 MV/cm measured at leakage current is 1 A/mm2 and interface trap density is 3.94 × 1012 cm-2eV-1 for the BZT/In0.53Ga0.47As, respectively, corresponding to 3.501 MV/cm and 2.87 × 1012 cm-2eV-1 in TiO2/In0.53Ga0.47As. Applications as gate dielectrics into the e-mode MOSFET as gate dielectrics are also fabricated.
Furthermore, the electrical characteristics of In0.53Ga0.47As n-type e-mode MOSFET with BZT gate dielectric are summarized as follows: maximum drain current of 21.3 mA/mm at VGS = 2 V, transconductance of 17.1 mS/mm, threshold voltage of 0.488 V, and subthreshold swing of 288.85 mV/decade. Moreover, the electrical characteristics of In0.53Ga0.47As nMOSFET with TiO2 gate dielectric are as follows: maximum drain current of 45.4 mA/mm at VGS = 2 V, transconductance of 94.3 mS/mm, threshold voltage of 0.057 V, and subthreshold swing of 196.89 mV/decade. Based on the above, the In0.53Ga0.47As MOSFET with TiO2 exhibited better electrical characteristics than BZT, such as higher maximum drain current, higher transconductance, smaller threshold voltage, and smaller subthreshold swing.

ABSTRACT (Chinese)…………………I
ABSTRACT (English)…………………III

1.1 Introduction…………………001
1.2 High-κ Materials…………………002
1.3 Sol-Gel…………………007
1.4 Motivation…………………007
1.5 Organization of Dissertation…………………009

Properties of Oxide and Fabrication of In0.53Ga0.47As MOSFET
2.1 Device Structure…………………011
2.2 Fabrication Processes…………………012
2.2.1 Solution Preparation for Gate Oxide…………………012 Hafnium Oxide…………………012 Barium Zirconate Titanate…………………012 Titanium Oxide…………………013
2.2.2 Enhancement Mode In0.53Ga0.47As n-MOSFET…………………015 Pre-processing Cleaning…………………015 Mesa Isolation…………………015 Au/Ge/Ni is Deposited to Form the Ohmic Contact…016 Gate-recess Region and Gate Oxide Deposit…………………017 Gold (Au) is Deposited to Form the Gate…………………017
2.3 Summary…………………025

Physical Characteristics of Oxide and In0.53Ga0.47As
3.1 Physical Analyses of AFM…………………026
3.2 Physical Analyses of SEM…………………028
3.3 Physical Analyses of TEM…………………028
3.4 Physical Analyses of XRD…………………033

Characteristics of In0.53Ga0.47As MOSFET with Different Gate Insulators Grown by Solution Processes
4.1 Results and Discussion…………………039
4.1.1 HfO2 as Insulator…………………039 Saturation Drain Current…………………039 Transconductance…………………039 Subthreshold Swing…………………040
4.1.2 BZT as Insulator…………………045 Saturation Drain Current…………………045 Transconductance…………………045 Subthreshold Swing…………………045 Gate Leakage Current…………………049
4.1.3 TiO2 as Insulator…………………051 Saturation Drain Current…………………051 Transconductance…………………051 Subthreshold Swing…………………051 Gate Leakage Current…………………055
4.2 Summary…………………057

C-Voltage of Oxide/In0.53Ga0.47As Measurement and Discussion
5.1 Ideal C-V Curve Analysis…………………059
5.2 Charges in the Oxide…………………062
5.3 C-V Characteristics…………………065

6.1 Conclusion…………………068
6.2 Future Work…………………071

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