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論文名稱(外文):Development of EKF-based Target Vehicle State Estimation and Camera Calibration Algorithms
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Ching Juang
外文關鍵詞:state estimationvehiclecalibrationcamerakalman filter
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In view of recent increase in traffic accidents, many researches have been devoted to developing systems that enhance the traffic safety. As the result, collision avoidance system had became an important issue. The objective of the research is to investigate the collision avoidance system, by combining different of sensors, including GNSS, vision, laser and other similar sensors. Vision sensors can provide image information of surrounding vehicles and traffic states. Through information processing and traffic state analysis, the safety of traffic environment will be improved. This thesis simulates real traffic environments where some vehicles are equipped with vision sensors. The Extended Kalman filters are used to estimate the trajectory of target vehicle and perform camera calibration at the same time.
At the beginning, the virtual traffic environments, including vehicles, infrastructures and vision sensors, are constructed. Afterwards, the conditions of traffic environment such as motion and equipment of each vehicle and position and velocity of self-vehicle are simulated. In the simulation, vehicles utilize vision information and estimate states of target vehicles, including trajectory, absolute velocity, and head angle, by Extended Kalman filters. In addition, camera calibration based on EKF is discussed in this thesis. Once cameras are subject to severe skew or shifting, the estimation error are likely to increase. If the measurements are invalid, the vehicle state estimation result would be incorrect. If a driver trusts the incorrect result of estimation and makes wrong judgment when driving the vehicle, an accident may occur due to the system. Therefore camera calibration is an important task before running the system of estimating vehicle state during driving. In the procedure of camera calibration, the system utilizes the data of the target vehicle which is transmitted by DSRC and also visual data, and then these measurements are applied in EKF to achieve camera calibration.

摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
參數表 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 研究動機與目的 1
1.3. 文獻回顧 2
1.4. 主要貢獻 2
1.5. 論文架構 3
第二章 視覺座標系統與三維重建 4
2.1. 座標轉換 4
2.1.1. 世界座標系轉至攝影機座標系 4
2.1.2. 攝影機座標系轉至影像座標系 8
2.2. 三維座標點的重建 10
2.3. 雜訊影響分析 16
2.3.1. 分析概述 18
2.3.2. 分析結果 18 等速度行駛模擬環境 19
第三章 整合卡爾曼與視覺的車間應用 22
3.1. 擴展式卡爾曼濾波器 22
3.2. 載具狀態預估 25
3.2.1. 等速度行駛模擬之系統架構 26
3.2.2. 非固定速度行駛模擬之系統架構 29
3.3. 相機參數校正 31
3.3.1. 相機參數校正系統架構 32
第四章 模擬結果與討論 37
4.1. 載具狀態預估 37
4.1.1. 等速度行駛模擬 41
4.1.2. 非固定速度行駛模擬 46
4.2. 攝影機校正 53
4.2.1. 車輛行駛之攝影機校正模擬 56
第五章 結論與未來工作 62
5.1. 結論 62
5.2. 未來工作 62
參考文獻 64
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