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論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Competition Strategies for FIRA Adult-sized Humanoid Robot by Using Stereo Vision System and Particle Swarm Optimization
指導教授(外文):Tzuu-Hseng Li
外文關鍵詞:Adult-sized Humanoid RobotStereo VisionParticle Swarm Optimization
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This thesis mainly concerns the development of the stereo vision and strategy control systems for the FIRA Adult-sized HuroCup competition. The entire system is regarded as a vision feedback control system. The overall processes of vision and decision-making are processed on a laptop. The stereo visual images are captured by two CMOS webcam sensors. Firstly, the thesis introduces the hardware architecture of adult-sized humanoid robot, aiRobots-AH-I, and overview of software system. In the stereo vision system, we calibrate and rectify stereo cameras, and use Block-Matching algorithm to correspond the images. Then, the three-dimensional coordinate system of the surrounding environment with coordinate transformation are reconstructed. We propose a recursive searching algorithm to recognize and segment the objects such as the line, landmark, obstacles, ball, and goal in the events. Furthermore, a simplified cam-shift concept is adopted to track the found objects by driving the head motors. In the control strategy system, five events, including marathon, sprint, basketball, obstacle run, and penalty kick, are examined and emphasized. For the highly skilled obstacle run contest, particle swarm optimization algorithm is utilized to find a shorter and suitably walkable path for the robot without touching the obstacles. For the other events, we divide the strategy into multi-stages according to the characteristics of each event and design the most appropriate decision-making system to have the best performing time. Finally, experimental results fully demonstrate the superior performance and robustness of vision and strategy systems in our adult-sized humanoid robot.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Thesis Organization 4

Chapter2. Hardware and Software of the Adult-sized Humanoid Robot 5
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 The Hardware Configurations and Specifications of aiRobots-AH-I 9
2.2.1 Actuators 9
2.2.2 Motion Controller 11
2.2.3 Computer 15
2.2.4 Camera 16
2.2.5 ZigBee Module 18
2.2.6 9-axes IMU 19
2.2.7 LCD Display 20
2.2.8 Li-poly Batteries 21
2.3 Overview of Vision and Strategy System 22
2.3.1 The Human Machine Interface of Vision System 24
2.3.2 The Human Machine Interface of Strategy System 26
2.4 Summary 28

Chapter 3. Stereo Vision System 29
3.1 Introduction 29
3.2 Camera Calibration 30
3.3 Stereo Calibration and Rectification 34
3.4 Three-Dimensional Reconstruction 41
3.4.1 Stereo Correspondence 41
3.4.2 Image Reprojection 47
3.4.3 Coordinate Transformation 48
3.5 Summary 51

Chapter 4. Object Recognition and Control Strategy 53
4.1 Introduction 53
4.2 Image Recognition and Object Tracking 54
4.2.1 Color Space Conversion and Speed Up 55
4.2.2 Recursive Searching Algorithm 57
4.2.3 Kalman Filter 62
4.2.4 Target tracking 63
4.3 Marathon 65
4.3.1 Object Recognition 65
4.3.2 Control Strategy 67
4.4 Sprint 69
4.4.1 Object Recognition 69
4.4.2 Control Strategy 71
4.5 Basketball 75
4.5.1 Object Recognition 76
4.5.2 Control Strategy 77
4.6 Obstacle Run 81
4.6.1 Object Recognition 81
4.6.2 Particle Swarm Optimization 82
4.6.3 Control Strategy 88
4.7 Penalty Kick 90
4.7.1 Object Recognition 91
4.7.2 Control Strategy 91
4.8 Summary 95

Chapter 5. Experiment Results 96
5.1 Introduction 96
5.2 Experimental Results of Strategy for Marathon Event 97
5.3 Experimental Results of Strategy for Sprint Event 99
5.4 Experimental Results of Strategy for Basketball Event 102
5.5 Experimental Results of Strategy for Obstacle Run Event 104
5.6 Experimental Results of Strategy for Penalty Kick Event 107

Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Works 110
6.1 Conclusions 110
6.2 Future Works 113

References 114
Biography 118

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