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論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Power Management for LCD Display System
指導教授(外文):Jiann-Fuh Chen
外文關鍵詞:MCUPower ConsumptionPFCPower Quality
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This study was based on the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Displays (Version 5.0). The content of the thesis analyzed the power control as well as energy saving under LCD display system. The power consumption under power saving mode is necessary, and shortage is not acceptable. As the sizes of the LCD getting bigger, the power consumption when turn on is increasing. If the power is not well control when turn on and under power saving mode, power would be waste. Use the micro control unit (MCU) to manage power options, together with the power supply with standby power circuit configuration and power factor correction (PFC). The system detects the horizontal and vertical sync signal from the video to serve as basis for turn on the system as well as shifting between turn on and power saving mode. Under power saving mode, MCU automatically turn on other functions and power, and save only the turn on function, thus decreasing the power consumption. Finally, by testing a 55” LCD display system (500W) prototype, the power consumption is less than 1Watt under the power saving mode, and power factor is 0.99 at full load (500W). The actual experimental result is used to support the LCD design theory.
摘 要 I
英文摘要 II
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
表 目 錄 VI
圖 目 錄 VII
符 號 表 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及目的 1
1.2 研究方向 2
1.3 論文主旨 4
第二章 解析能源之星計畫對顯示器之要求事項 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 液晶顯示器產品之操作模式定義 6
2.3 低待機消耗電能要求事項 8
2.5 開機消耗電能要求事項 10
2.6 傳統液晶顯示器產品電源系統 12
2.7 具有切換待機模式之低耗能電源系統 13
2.8本章小結 17
第三章 液晶顯示器產品之待機電源系統管理方法 18
3.1 前言 18
3.2 電源功率開關電路 18
3.3 低功率降壓切換式直流電壓調整器 22
3.4 低功率線性式直流電壓調整器 31
3.4 外接式線性電源調整器 33
3.6本章小結 37
第四章 液晶顯示器具有功因修正電源架構節能效益 39
4.1 前言 39
4.2 諧波危害對能源之影響 39
4.3 功率因數對能源影響 40
4.4功率因數修正方式 43
4.5邊界式功因修正器 44
4.6 連續式功因修正器及實驗結果 46
4.7本章小結 48
第五章 液晶顯示器自動待機模式下電源管理方法 49
5.1 前言 49
5.2 VESA顯示器省電模式 49
5.3 自動待機模式下使用微控制器之電源啟動方法 52
5.4 待機時備用電源之儲能元件簡介 56
5.5 待機時無電源消耗管理電源方案 60
5.6 微控制器偵測視訊訊號之管理電源方案 63
5.7 本章小結 64
第六章 結論與未來展望 65
6.1 結論 65
6.2 未來展望 66
參考資料 68

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