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論文名稱(外文):An Adaptive Data-Retention-Voltage Regulating Scheme for Ultra-Low Standby Power SRAMs
指導教授(外文):Lih-Yih Chiou
外文關鍵詞:SRAMData-retention-Voltage (DRV)Standby power
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With the advancement of technology scaling, the leakage power issue becomes one of the most important challenges for SRAMs. Traditionally, IC designers lower the standby VDD to data-retention-voltage (DRV) to reduce SRAM standby power aggressively by voltage converters. However, they do not consider the low efficiency of voltage converters under light loads, which subsequently may degrade the benefit using VDD scaling. On the other hand, the impact of process, voltage and temperature (PVT) variations on DRV also increases the design complexity. In this thesis, we propose an adaptive data-retention-voltage regulating scheme (ADRVRS) to reduce SRAM standby power. This scheme has no extra power overhead of voltage converters because we do not use the voltage converters as standby VDD under light loads. Besides, our scheme can self-adapt DRV on PVT through the proposed DRV monitor tracking SRAM’s DRV and the proposed dynamic bias technique compensating the reaction speed of the DRV monitor. Moreover, the proposed scheme can support operation of DRV from above-threshold to sub-threshold regions. In the post-layout simulation results, we obtain 87.2% SRAM standby power reduction.
Abstract (Chinese) i
Abstract (English) ii
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.1.1 Preliminary 1
1.1.2 Data retention voltage (DRV) 4
1.2 Motivation 6
1.3 Contributions 8
1.4 Thesis Organization 9
Chapter 2 Standby VDD Scaling Schemes for Ultra-Low Standby Power SRAMs 11
2.1 General Standby VDD scaling Schemes 11
2.1.1 Open-loop approach: the worst case design 12
2.1.2 Open-loop approach: calibration at test time 13
2.1.3 Closed-loop approach 15
2.2 Without Using Voltage Converters Schemes 17
2.2.1 Data-retention power gating technique 17
2.2.2 Stacked SRAM 18
2.2.3 Self-refreshing regulation 19
2.3 Summary 20
Chapter 3 Proposed Adaptive Data-Retention-Voltage Regulating Scheme (ADRVRS) Design 23
3.1 System Architecture Overview 23
3.2 Operation Flow of the ADRVRS 26
3.3 Proposed ADRVRS Circuit Design 34
3.3.1 Sub-header 34
3.3.2 DRV monitor 35
3.3.3 Data-loss detector 38
3.3.4 Regulating controller 39
3.3.5 Dynamic bias generator 42
Chapter 4 Test Chip Implementation 43
4.1 Chip Architecture 43
4.2 SRAM Design 45
4.3 BIST Design 46
Chapter 5 Simulation Results 49
5.1 Simulation Environment Setup 49
5.1.1 Proposed ADRVRS environment setup 49
5.1.2 Test chip environment setup 51
5.1.3 The pre-analysis of DRV 52
5.2 Simulation Results of the ADRVRS Design 53
5.3 Simulation Results of Test Chip Design 55
5.4 Comparison 59
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 61
6.1 Conclusions 61
6.2 Future Work 62
References 63
Autobiography 67

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