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論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Room Flows on the Actuation of Detectors and Sprinkles in Fires
指導教授(外文):Ta-Hui Lin
外文關鍵詞:DetectorSprinklerActuation timeAir-conditionCeiling fanFDS
  • 被引用被引用:3
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This thesis is focused on the effects of frequently-found room flows (air-condition vent flow or ceiling fan flow) on the detector and sprinkler actuation time. First, we studied the actuation time based on the different action principle of the detector and sprinkler. Then, we use full scale experiments and simulation software FDS to explore the influence of air-condition flow on detector and sprinkler actuation time. Finally, we studied the detector and sprinkler actuation time as affected by the ceiling fan.
The study results show that the detector and sprinkler actuation conditions are affected by the distance to the fire location. If a detector is closer to the fire, sooner will the actuation be. At the same time, we find that smoke detectors are easier to actuate than heat detectors and glass-bulb sprinklers are easier to actuate than fusible-alloy sprinklers. The air-condition vent and ceiling fan definitely affect the detector and sprinkler actuation time. The effects from the ceiling fan was more profound than those from the air-condition flow. Finally, comparison between the results of full size experiments and FDS show similar trends of actuation time.

目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIII
符號說明 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X
FDS 模擬符號說明 ----------------------------------------------------------------- XI
一、前言 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1-1 文獻回顧 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1-1-1 一般住宅撒水頭 ----------------------------------------------- 1
1-1-2 一般常見探測器 ----------------------------------------------- 6
1-1-3 FDS 相關文獻 --------------------------------------------------- 8
1-2 研究目的與方法 ------------------------------------------------------- 10
二、實驗設備及規劃 -------------------------------------------------------------- 11
2-1 實驗設備 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11
2-1-1 實驗場整體架構 ---------------------------------------------- 11
2-1-2 量測系統 ------------------------------------------------------- 11
2-1-3 撒水頭與探測器系統----------------------------------------- 11
2-2 實驗規劃 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2-2-1 實驗項目規劃 ------------------------------------------------- 12
2-2-2 實驗步驟 ------------------------------------------------------- 13
三、數值模擬 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
3-1 模型建立的理論基礎 ------------------------------------------------- 14
3-1-1 熱流模型 ------------------------------------------------------- 14
3-1-2 燃燒模型 ------------------------------------------------------- 15
3-1-3 熱輻射模型 ---------------------------------------------------- 16
3-2 居室火災模擬參數設定 ---------------------------------------------- 17
3-2-1 模擬場景尺寸設定-------------------------------------------- 17
3-2-2 軟體與空間網格設定----------------------------------------- 17
3-2-3 表面材料設定 ------------------------------------------------- 17
3-2-4 場景條件設定 ------------------------------------------------- 17
3-3 居室火災發生時空調系統對撒水頭作動時間影響模擬參數設
定 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
3-3-1 模擬場景尺寸設定-------------------------------------------- 18
3-3-2 表面材料設定 ------------------------------------------------- 19
3-3-3 場景條件設定 ------------------------------------------------- 19
四、結果與討論 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
4-1 探測器與撒水頭作動時間實驗結果 ------------------------------- 20
4-1-1 差動式探測器與光電式探測器之探討 -------------------- 20
4-1-2 酒精玻璃球式撒水頭與金屬熔絲式撒水頭之探討 ----- 22
4-2 居室火災發生時空調系統對撒水頭作動時間影響實驗結果 - 24
4-2-1 火源在居室角落(C1) ------------------------------------------ 25
4-2-2 火源在居室西方牆腳(W1) ----------------------------------- 27
4-2-3 火源在居室南方牆腳(W2) ----------------------------------- 28
4-2-4 火源在居室正中央(M1) -------------------------------------- 29
4-3 居室火災發生時吊扇系統對撒水頭作動時間影響實驗結果 - 30
4-3-1 火源在居室角落(C1) ------------------------------------------ 31
4-3-2 火源在居室西方牆腳(W1) ----------------------------------- 32
4-3-3 火源在居室南方牆腳(W2) ----------------------------------- 33
4-3-4 火源在居室正中央(M1) -------------------------------------- 34
4-4 FDS 模擬結果 ---------------------------------------------------------- 34
4-4-1 居室火災模擬分析-------------------------------------------- 35
4-4-2 居室火災發生時空調系統對撒水頭作動時間影響模擬分析------------------------------------------------------------- 36
4-5 所有結果與法規探討 ------------------------------------------------- 41
4-5-1 實尺寸實驗與法規比較結果 -------------------------------- 41
4-5-2 數值模擬與法規比較結果 ----------------------------------- 41
五、結論 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
六、建議 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
七、參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
八、圖表 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
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