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論文名稱(外文):Drop Impingement onto a Plate Heated in High-Temperature Environments
指導教授(外文):Ta-Hui Lin
外文關鍵詞:Leidenfrost temperaturedrop impactreboundbreak-upboilingemulsion dropmicro-explosion
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目前許多液滴撞擊熱板的研究均是以單一成份的流體來進行實驗,如水、烷類、醇類…等,並且大多在常溫的環境下進行研究。而水液滴在一個高溫環境下撞擊熱板表面,以及W/O乳化液滴(water in oil)在燃燒過程中撞擊熱板表面的現象則尚未有許多的研究成果。本文針對這兩個主題做探討。
本研究主要是在一個小型燃燒爐的熱環境下,以石英板為撞擊之熱板,而熱板溫度分別為Ts = 720、509與407oC,研究水與W/O乳化液滴在不同的液滴直徑(di)以及含水量(β)下,以自由落下的方式撞擊熱板。分析個別的撞擊特性以及W/O乳化液滴在燃燒過程的撞擊現象或是W/O 乳化液滴的微爆現象…等。水液滴的研究結果指出,水液滴在不同We數與熱板溫度的撞擊型態可分為四個區域:液滴回彈、碎裂、沸騰後碎裂和沸騰後碎裂有水膜。影響液滴撞擊現象區域變化的參數主要是熱板溫度,其次是液滴直徑。

Past research of drop impact on a hot surface was mostly limited to a single-phase drop (water, alkane, alcohol, etc) in a room temperature environment. There was not much research concerning the phenomena of a water drop in a convective high-temperature gaseous environment or a W/O (water in oil) emulsion drop in the combustion process impinging on a heated solid plate. This study was emphasized on the phenomena and features of these two subjects.
In this experiment, a smooth quartz plate, which acted as the solid surface was inserted into a small combustion chamber in a high-temperature gaseous flow at three different positions and the surface temperature of the plate was 720, 509 or 407oC. Water or W/O emulsion drops with different diameters (di) and water proportions (β) which fell freely and impinged onto the heated solid plate were observed.
The results of water drop experiments showed that the impact types of water drop varying with different Weber numbers and hot surface temperatures can be classified into four regimes: Rebound, Break-up, Boiling Break-up, and Boiling Break-up with water film. And the main parameter affecting the impact regimes was the hot surface temperature; the drop diameter was secondary.
The results of W/O emulsion drop experiments indicated that the impact types of W/O emulsion drop were significantly affected by the hot surface temperature (Ts) and water proportion (β), but not by the change of drop diameters (di). The results of micro-explosion observations showed that the small droplets from the disintegration of W/O emulsion drops micro-exploded in the downstream region of the hot surface for all cases investigated. However, the micro-explosion of the droplets on the heated surface from contraction of the W/O emulsion drop only occurred for some cases.

1-1 前言...................................................1
1-2 研究動機與目的..........................................2
1-3 研究方法................................................2
2-1 液滴撞擊固體熱表面現象...................................3
2-2 乳化燃料燃燒特性........................................11
3-1 供液系統...............................................17
3-2 液滴產生系統...........................................18
3-3 小型燃燒爐與觀測系統....................................18
3-4-1 水液滴We計算.........................................20
3-4-2 W/O乳化液滴We計算...................................21
4-2 W/O乳化液滴在不同環境溫度與板溫的撞擊現象.................31
4-2-1 W/O乳化液滴在720oC熱環境與板溫的撞擊現象................33
4-2-2 W/O乳化液滴在509oC熱環境與板溫的撞擊現象................34
4-2-3 W/O乳化液滴在407oC熱環境與板溫的撞擊現象................34
4-2-4 W/O乳化液滴微爆現象...................................35
4-2-5 W/O乳化液滴撞擊型態與數據分析..........................35

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