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論文名稱(外文):Effect of Structure and Transfer Function on Artificial Neural Networks Used in Radiation Thermometry for Steel
指導教授(外文):Chang-Da Wen
外文關鍵詞:SteelEmissivityTemperature predictionArtificial Neural Networks(ANNs)Multispectral Radiation thermometry(MRT)Oxidation effectStructureTransfer function
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  本研究探討結構與轉移函數對類神經網路(ANNs)運用於輻射測溫之影響。分別針對六種不同鋼材(AISI 420、AISI 630、AISI A2、AISI A6、AISI H10、AISI H13)推測出在表面溫度為700 K、800 K與900 K時的放射率,並同時預測試件之溫度,以了解不同結構與轉移函數對溫度預測的影響,進而找出較佳的神經網路架構。
The effect of structure and transfer function on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) used in radiation thermometry is discussed in this study. The spectral emissivity was inferred for six types of steels (AISI 420, AISI 630, AISI A2, AISI A6, AISI H10, AISI H13) at three temperatures (700 K, 800 K and 900 K). The sample temperatures were predicted simultaneously to comprehend the effect of structure and transfer function on temperature prediction and then the better structure of neural networks was found.
In ANNs algorithm, the sample’s spectral intensity measured by spectrometer was used as revised data to derive the modified relationships for the weights and biases by numerical method. Then, the surface emissivity and temperature could be inferred after incessant learning and modification. Besides, the accuracy of this thermometry was examined by the comparison between real and inferred emissivity. Temperature prediction by using the better structure of neural networks found in this study was compared to the multispectral radiation thermometry and the accuracy was discussed. Finally, the inferred temperatures for open-air and high-vacuum experiments were compared to find out the oxidation effect on this thermometry.
From results in the research, (1) there are better performances on temperature prediction and time cost when the learning rate is 0.0005; (2) for different steels, increasing number of wavelength will get better results; (3) for different transfer functions, the nonlinear transfer function (Log-Sigmoid transfer function used in this research) has better results than linear transfer function; (4) emissivity of some hot work tool steels changes dramatically and causes the temperature errors larger than 5K; (5) the closer the inferred emissivity to the real emissivity, the more accurate temperature prediction; (6) the network can be improved by adding one more hidden-layer. However, the time cost of two hidden-layers is much higher. Since the errors of one hidden-layer are rationally acceptable, thereby the neural networks with one hidden-layer is a better choice; (7) for both open-air and high-vacuum experiments, ANNs is more accurate than MRT and is less affected by different heating temperatures; (8) the oxidation effect on ANNs is not obvious and almost all the temperature errors for both open-air and high-vacuum experiments are smaller than 1%.
摘要....................................................................................................................... i
Abstract...................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgments...................................................................................................... v
Contents..................................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables.............................................................................................................. ix
List of Figures............................................................................................................ xi
Nomenclature............................................................................................................. xiv
Ch1. Introduction....................................................................................................... -1-
1-1 Research Motivation and Background............................................................. -1-
1-2 Introduction of Artificial Neural Networks..................................................... -2-
1-3 Literature Review............................................................................................. -7-
1-4 Research Goal.................................................................................................. -16-
1-5 Research Construction..................................................................................... -16-
Ch2. Experimental Foundation.................................................................................. -19-
2-1 Structure of the Open-air Experiment.............................................................. -19-
2-1.1 Spectrometer............................................................................................. -19-
2-1.2 Heating Assembly..................................................................................... -21-
2-1.3 Data Acquisition System........................................................................... -24-
2-2 Structure of the High-vacuum Experiment...................................................... -24-
2-2.1 High-vacuum System................................................................................ -24-
2-2.2 Cooling System......................................................................................... -28-
2-3 Samples Employed.......................................................................................... -28-
2-4 Procedure of the Experiment........................................................................... -30-
2-4.1 Procedure of Open-air Experiment........................................................... -30-
2-4.2 Procedure of High-vacuum Experiment................................................... -32-
2-5 Uncertainty of the Experiment......................................................................... -33-
Ch3. Fundamental Principles..................................................................................... -36-
3-1 Radiation Fundamental Principles................................................................... -36-
3-2 Radiation Intensity Measurement Theory........................................................ -40-
3-3 Principles of Artificial Neural Networks......................................................... -43-
3-4 Combination of Artificial Neural Networks and Radiation Thermometry...... -52-
3-5 Introduction of Multispectral Radiation Thermometry (MRT)....................... -53-
Ch4. Results and Discussion...................................................................................... -58-
4-1 Comparison of Results with Different Learning Rates……………………… -58-
4-2 Comparison of Results with Different Number of Wavelengths……………. -60-
4-3 Comparison of Results with Linear and Nonlinear Transfer Function……… -62-
4-4 Comparison of Results with Different Types of Steels……………………… -67-
4-5 Relationship between Inferred Emissivity and Temperature Error………….. -67-
4-6 Structure Effect on Artificial Neural Networks……………………………... -70-
4-7 Comparison of Results of ANNs and MRT for Open-air Experiment………. -74-
4-8 Comparison of Results of ANNs and MRT for High-vacuum Experiment…. -77-
4-9 Oxidation Effect on ANNs…………………………………………………... -80-
Ch5. Conclusions and Future Work........................................................................... -83-
5-1 Conclusions...................................................................................................... -83-
5-2 Future Work..................................................................................................... -85-
References.................................................................................................................. -86-
Appendices................................................................................................................. -89-
Vita............................................................................................................................. -98-
List of Tables
Table 1.1 The tested emissivity models (Chun-ling Yang et al. [8]). ………… -11-
Table 2.1 Material sizes of heating assembly. ………………………………….. -25-
Table 2.2 The constituents of steels used in this experiment (provided by Gloria Material Technology Corporation ). ………………………….. -29-
Table 2.3 The applications of samples used in this experiment (provided by Gloria Material Technology Corporation ). ………………………….. -31-
Table 2.4 The uncertainty analysis of the experiment. …………………………. -35-
Table 4.1 Absolute inferred temperature error and converged step number with different learning rates. ………………………..……...……………… -59-
Table 4.2 Absolute inferred temperature error with different number of wavelengths. …………………………………………………………. -61-
Table 4.3 Relative inferred temperature error with different transfer functions. . -64-
Table 4.4 Absolute inferred temperature error and converged step number with different number of hidden-layers. ……………………..……………. -71-
Table 4.5 Relative inferred temperature error of MRT (from previous research [17]) and ANNs for six oxidized steels at 700K, 800K and 900K. ….. -75-
Table 4.6 Relative inferred temperature error of MRT (from previous research [18]) and ANNs for six unoxidized steels at 700K, 800K and 900K. ………………………………………………………………… -78-
Table 4.7 Relative inferred temperature error of ANNs for oxidized and unoxidized steels at 700K, 800K and 900K. ………………………… -81-
List of Figures
Fig. 1.1 Structure of ANNs. ……………………………………………………. -3-
Fig. 1.2 Different types of transfer function. …………………………………. -5-
Fig. 1.3 Learning process of the back-propagation algorithm. ………………… -6-
Fig. 1.4 Flow chart of HI learning algorithm (Xiang-mei Li et al. [7]). ……….. -10-
Fig. 1.5 Emissivity data and simulation curve (Chun-ling Yang et al. [8]). ……. -12-
Fig. 1.6 Multi-reflection of a 60 degrees V-groove (Haugh [14]). ……………... -15-
Fig. 2.1 The diagrammatic sketch of open-air experiment. …………….……… -20-
Fig. 2.2 Field of view of the slit and the maximum effective measuring area. ... -22-
Fig. 2.3 The diagrammatic sketch of heating assembly. ……………………...... -23-
Fig. 2.4 The diagrammatic sketch of high-vacuum experiment. ……………..... -26-
Fig. 3.1 The spectral radiance distribution of real surface and blackbody at the same temperature in different wavelengths. ……………………..……. -37-
Fig. 3.2 The blackbody radiation intensity at different temperatures and wavelengths of Plank’s law, Wien’s law and Wien’s displacement law. -39-
Fig. 3.3 The composition of radiation intensities measured by spectrometer. …. -41-
Fig. 3.4 Structure of Artificial Neural Networks constructed in this research. … -44-
Fig. 3.5 The modified weights and biases between output layer and the second hidden layer. …………………………………………………………… -46-
Fig. 3.6 The modified weights and biases between two hidden layers. …………………………………………………………….……. -48-
Fig. 3.7 The modified weights and biases between the first hidden layer and input layer. ………………………………………………..…………… -50-
Fig. 3.8 Methodology of Artificial Neural Networks used in radiation thermometry. ……………………………….………………………….. -54-
Fig. 3.9 The schematic diagram of exact technique and least-squares technique. ….…………………………………………………………... -56-
Fig. 3.10 Methodology of Multispectral Radiation Thermometry. ……………… -57-
Fig. 4.1 Average relative inferred temperature error with different number of wavelengths for each steel. …..………………………………………... -63-
Fig. 4.2 Relative inferred temperature error for different steels with two different transfer functions. ……………………...…………………….. -66-
Fig. 4.3 Absolute inferred temperature error for different steels with log-sigmoid transfer function. ………..……………………………….. -68-
Fig. 4.4 The real emissivity and the inferred emissivity of AISI A6 at 700K, 800K and 900K. ……………………………………………………….. -69-
Fig. 4.5 Average of absolute inferred temperature error for different steels with different number of hidden-layer. …………………………….……….. -73-
Fig. 4.6 Relative inferred temperature error of ANNs and three better models of MRT (from previous research [17]) for six oxidized steels. ………………………………………………………………….. -76-
Fig. 4.7 Relative inferred temperature error of ANNs and three better models of MRT (from previous research [18]) for six unoxidized steels. ………………………………………………………………….. -79-
Fig. 4.8 The inferred emissivity and real emissivity of AISI A6 at 900K for oxidized and unoxidized steels. ……………………………………….. -82-
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