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論文名稱(外文):Experimental Study of All-Optical Frequency Conversion Using Four-Wave Mixing in Strongly Injection-Locked Semiconductor Lasers
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Kuang Huang
外文關鍵詞:Four-wave mixingSemiconductor LaserInjection-lockedwavelength converterNonlinear dynamicsInjection parameter
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在本篇論文中主要著重在用實驗去研究半導體雷射遭外部注入鎖住下之四波混合的非線性動態,在非線性注入系統的地圖主要是由兩個參數決定,非別是注入參數以及主副雷射的頻率差。接著分別探討自由震盪下雷射的四波混合與穩定注入鎖住下之雷射的四波混合並做了靜態分析與動態分析,藉由靜態分析的結果可發現穩定注入鎖住後雷射的四波混合在轉換頻寬方面會有更佳的效果,而在動態分析的系統用以夾帶調變的光訊號來做波長轉換器,注入訊號的位置皆在鬆弛震盪頻率下可證明,穩定注入下雷射的四波混合訊號與自由震盪下雷射的四波混合訊號在達到同樣的誤碼率10−9所需的接收功率約差5 dB。
Experimental study on the nonlinear dynamics four wave mixing in stably injection-locked semiconductor laser subject to external injection laser is demonstrated in this thesis. There are two important parameters can be described in nonlinear dynamics laser mapping, injection parameter and detuning frequency between master laser and slave laser. And then, we discussed the static analysis and dynamic analysis that difference between free running of four-wave mixing and injection-locked of four-wave mixing. By static analysis can prove that conversion bandwidth is better at injection-locked of four-wave mixing. Optical can be modulated to do wavelength converter that called dynamic analysis, by inject with same position of relaxation resonance frequency, To achieve the same Bit error rate at 10−9, the received optical power is difference about 6 dB between injection-locked of four-wave mixing and free running of four-wave mixing.
英文摘要 ..................................................... I
中文摘要 .................................................... II
致謝 ......................................................... III
圖目錄 ...................................................... VI
表目錄 ...................................................... XI
1 前言 ........................................................ 1
1.1 研究動機 ................................................ 1
1.2 波長轉換技術 ............................................ 3
1.2.1 研究背景 ............................................ 3
1.2.2 常見的全光波長轉換器 ................................ 4
1.2.3 光注入半導體雷射之四波混合波長轉換器 ............... 10
1.3 論文架構 ............................................... 12
2 光注入系統 ................................................. 14
2.1 光注入原理 ............................................. 14
2.1.1光注入實驗架構 ...................................... 15
2.1.2光注入下的雷射非線性動態圖 .......................... 19
3 靜態分析 ................................................... 24
3.1自由震盪下的雷射於四波混合 ............................. 25
3.1.1實驗架構 ............................................ 25
3.1.2實驗數據 ............................................ 27
3.2穩定注入鎖住下的雷射於四波混合 ......................... 31
3.2.1實驗架構 ............................................ 31
3.2.2實驗數據 ............................................ 34
4 動態分析 ................................................... 42
4.1自由震盪下的雷射於四波混合 ............................. 42
4.1.1實驗架構 ............................................ 43
4.1.2實驗數據 ............................................ 46
4.2穩定注入鎖住下的雷射於四波混合 ......................... 50
4.2.1實驗架構 ............................................ 51
4.2.2實驗數據 ............................................ 52
5 總結與展望 ................................................. 68
參考文獻 ..................................................... 70
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