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論文名稱(外文):A Novel Long-Span Traffic Predictor for Video Transmission
指導教授(外文):Wen-Kuang Kuo
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To improve the rate control of videos can be more efficiently, we focus on how to use long-span frame prediction to predict the traffic frame that is far from the current frame. We use three characteristics from the quantized discrete cosine transform coefficients of q-domain characteristic-based bit-rate model to enhance the accuracy of rate model. Then we extend the use of long-span traffic predictor to estimate the predicted frame, that the proposed prediction has lower prediction error compared with ρ-domain long-span predictor.
第一章 序論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2背景 1
1.3論文架構 2
第二章 ρ-domain與q-domain的位元率模型及特性 3
2-1.1 ρ-domain概述 3
2-1.2 ρ-domain特性位元率曲線參數定義 3
2-1.3 ρ-domain特性位元率曲線之特性 4
2-1.4 ρ-domain 位元率曲線分析 7
2-2.1 q-domain概述 8
2-2.2對於ρ-domain R-Q模型的疑慮 8
2-2.3特性分析與基於特性的R-Q模型 10
2-2.4 q-domain參數快速提取架構 12
第三章 遠程即時動態位元率影像預測 14
3-1 ρ-domain幀位元率方程式 14
3-2 ρ-domain遠程即時動態位元率影像預測 15
3-3 q-domain幀位元率方程式 15
3-4 q-domain遠程即時動態位元率影像預測 16
第四章 實驗結果 18
4-1環境設定 18
4.2實驗結果 19
第五章 結論 21
參考文獻 22
附錄 25
附錄A 25

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