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論文名稱(外文):A Photorealistic Computer Graphics Detection Algorithm by Using the Characteristics of Color Filter Array
指導教授(外文):Shen-Chuan Tai
外文關鍵詞:Photorealistic Computer GraphicsPhotographic ImagesForensic DetectionPhotorealistic Computer Graphics Detection
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In recent years, computer graphics technology is constantly in progress, if some people employ the technology in crime, such as falsi cation of identity, or forgeries of scandal photos, the consequences would be disastrous. Thus it makes Photorealistic computer graphics (PRCG) detection to become a major issue of modern technology. In this thesis, a scheme to distinguish photographic images (PIM) from PRCG images by using a periodic phenomenon of variance of pixel values resulting from demosaicing process is proposed. The periodic phenomenon is measured as a feature in Fourier domain feature and combined with a simple classi er to distinguish PIM images from PRCG images. Based on the phenomenon, the proposed scheme is composed of color space transformation, high-pass ltering feature extraction, and classi cation. Experimental results show that proposed scheme can not only detect PIM images but also determine what brand of a camera is used. Compared with existing methods, the precision and recall rates of proposed scheme are higher. The result shows that the performance of the proposed scheme is better than existing methods.
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