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論文名稱(外文):Alleviating Cyberchondria by Using Symptom Basic Information Driven Model with Disease Ranking Mechanisms
指導教授(外文):Wen-Hsiang Lu
外文關鍵詞:Disease RankingInformation RetrievalMedical Search
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Nowadays, web users used to imply general search engine to find some interested information, especially in medical search field. Web users prefer find medical information on the Internet to reality doctor, however, some of these information may contain some fatal medical terms (e.g. brain tumor, sudden death), they would think they get these serious disease once their symptoms matched these disease, this is cyberchondria. Such search results is one of the major reason that why web users feels anxious after searching, therefore, we promote Symptom Basic Information Driven Model, we use this model to rerank diseases list related to the symptoms, we try to alleviating cyberchondria with disease ranking mechanisms.
Symptom Basic Information Driven Model including four feature functions, Symptom Age feature function, Symptom Gender feature function, Symptom Body part feature function, Disease Symptom Similarity Feature Function and Disease Popularity feature function, with age lexicon, gender lexicon and body part lexicon, we can find the diseases related to the symptoms by log linear model.Finally, our model reaches almost 80% of nDCG, which means thought our model is not perfect enough, we still reach a good performance.

Keywords: Medical Search, Information Retrieval, Disease Ranking

摘要 IV
誌謝 V
章節目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 序論 1
1.1研究動機與問題 1
1.2研究目的 4
1.3研究問題與想法 5
1.4 論文架構 6
第二章 相關研究 7
2.1 網路恐病症現象 7
2.2 網路搜尋醫療資訊行為及動機 8
2.3 醫療搜尋引擎研究 9
2.4 醫學問答相關研究 11
第三章 研究方法 12
3.1 觀察 12
3.1.1 症狀與疾病的網路搜尋結果 12
3.1.2 資料觀察 17
3.2 人體的生理資訊 20
3.2.1 年齡 20
3.2.2 性別 22
3.2.3 身體部位 23
3.3 研究問題與想法 24
3.3.1 研究問題 24
3.3.2 研究想法 25
3.4 系統架構 26
3.4.1 Training Part  27
3.4.2 Testing Part 29
3.5 症狀個資驅動模型(Symptom Basic Information Driven Model, SBID Model) 30
3.5.1 症狀年齡特徵函數(SA Feature Function) 32
3.5.2 症狀性別特徵函數(SG Feature Function) 33
3.5.3 症狀身體部位特徵函數(SB Feature Function) 34
3.5.4 疾病症狀特徵函數(DSS Feature Function) 34
3.5.5 疾病熱門度特徵函數(DP Feature Function) 35
第四章 實驗與評估 36
4.1 實驗資料與評估準則 36
4.1.1 資料集 36
4.1.2 評估準則 41
4.2 症狀個資驅動模型(SBID Model)評估 43
4.2.1 估計症狀個資驅動模型特徵函數的權重係數 43
4.2.2 症狀個資驅動模型特徵函數效能評估  44
4.2.3 症狀個資驅動模型排序結果評估與分析 46
第五章 結論 53
參考文獻  54
附錄  56

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