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論文名稱(外文):Effects of meniscus force on modeling the contact between two rough surfaces
指導教授(外文):Wang-Long Li
外文關鍵詞:Contact mechanicsMeniscus forceAdhesion forceSurface roughness
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Since our technology get into the field of micro/nano scale. The research of micro/nano mechanics has become very prosperous. Especially in the semiconductor industries, biomedical, chemical engineering, precision machinery and microelectromechanical systems(MEMS), micro/nano mechanics have a variety of applications in these fields. In micro/nano scale, the behavior of two surfaces during contact, such as: friction, lubrication and adhesion properties, under the macroscopic contact theory will be different. Meniscus force in micro/nano mechanics is very much affected. Paticularly in some of the biomechanics of the meniscus surface capillary force between elastic objects were particularly large, and the relevant elastic objects meniscus surface capillary force model as hard objects between the meniscus surface force model perfect. Therefore, this study has established an application in the meniscus surface force model between elastic objects, and its rough surface contact.
In this thesis, we establish a meniscus surface capillary force model a rigid sphere and the elastic plate with the different contact situation. By this model, we can see that the value of the meniscus force between two surfaces, in particular the sphere and plate contact and the elastic deformation of the case. We can calculate the adhesion force between the sphere and plate, there are many factors that affect adhesion, including the Young's modulus of the curvature radius of the sphere and plate, or the liquid film surface tension and the contact angles of ball and plate. When sphere radius of curvature increase, the adhesion force becomes more obvious. Plate’s Young's modulus of the opposite, the lower the Young's modulus, adhesion force, the more obvious, and the greater the amount of deformation. The greater the surface tension of the liquid film, the greater the adhesive force; contact angle of the sphere increases, the adhesion force will increase slightly. Flat contact angle increases, the adhesion force but it will slightly reduced. With these relationships, we can model application of different degree of exposure of the meniscus surface force in the roughness statistics. And then of Greenwood-Williamson model to calculate the size and influence factors of the meniscus surface generated by the capillary force between two rough surface adhesion. We found that the adhesion phenomenon between two rough surfaces separated by less than 10nm, the more obvious, but the rough surface spacing is greater than 10nm, adhesion force between the two plate will reduce.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
符號總表 X
第一章 緒論
1-1 緒論 1
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-3 研究動機與目的 6
1-4本文內容與架構 7
第二章 接觸力學理論與彎月液面力模型
2-1 接觸力學模型 12
2-1-1 接觸理論Hertz 模型 12
2-1-2 黏著接觸理論Johnson, Kendall and Robert,
JKR 模型 16
2-1-3 黏著接觸理論Derjagin, Muller and Toropov,
DMT 模型 20
2-2 毛細冷凝現象與彎月液面力學模型 21
2-2-1 凱爾文方程式 (Kelvin equation) 22
2-2-2 拉普拉斯方程式 (Laplace equation) 23
2-2-3 彎月液面毛細力 (meniscus force) 23
2-3 彎月液面毛細力與接觸反作用力 27
第三章 表面粗糙度模型
3-1表面粗糙度介紹 40
3-2表面粗糙度影響磨潤學的原因 41
3-3表面粗糙度的特性描述 42
3-4表面粗糙度的碎形特性 42
3-5高斯機率分佈 44
(Greenwood-Williamson model, GW model) 44
3-7粗糙表面的彎月液面毛細力統計 45
第四章 結果與討論
4-1 彎月液面毛細力與平板變形量 57
4-1-1 楊氏模數的影響 59
4-1-2 球體曲率半徑的影響 63
4-1-3 球體接觸角的影響 64
4-1-4 液體表面張力的影響 66
4-1-5 平板的接觸角影響 67
4-1-6 物體的表面能影響 69
4-2 兩粗糙表面間的黏著力 70

第五章 結論 76

參考文獻 79

附錄 84

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