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研究生(外文):Lee, Cheng-Che
論文名稱(外文):The analyses of stress singularities of anisotropic Bodies of revolution and wedges based on three-dimensional elasticity theory
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chiung-Shiann
外文關鍵詞:anisotropic materialsstress singularityBody of revolutionwedge
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本研究為探討三維異向性材料旋轉體及楔型體於邊界與材料性質不連續處之應力奇異性。利用特徵函數展開法,並結合級數解之技巧以建立旋轉體及楔形體之彈性應力奇異性漸進解。該漸進解為直接求解以位移分量表示之三維力平衡方程式。利用比較文憲中等向性材料之結果確認本研究所推導解之正確性。本研究考慮組成旋轉體與楔形體之材料可為等向性材料(Isotropic material)、正交性材料(Orthotropic material)及三斜晶體(Triclinic material)。數值結果顯示單一異向性材料或雙材料(正交性/等向性,三斜晶體/等向性)之奇異性階數,明顯受幾何形狀、邊界條件與材料性質之影響。此些結果均見於文獻,可做為將來發展數值解之比對。
The work investigates the stress singularities induced by discontinuities of boundaries or material properties in anisotropic bodies of revolution and wedges. An eigenfunction expansion approach is combined with a power series solution technique to establish the asymptotic solutions around the singular points in bodies of revolution and wedges. The asymptotic solutions are developes by directly solving the 3D equations of equilibrium in terms of displacement components. The correctness of the proposed solutions are validated by comparing the present results with the published ones for isotropic bodies of revolution and wedges. Bodies of revolution and wedges under consideration are made of isotropic, orthotropic or triclinic materials. Numerical results reveal that the geometrically-induced stress singularities in bodies of revolution or wedges made of a single anisotropic material or two materials (orthotropic/isotropic, triclinic/isotropic) are significantly affected by geometry, boundary conditions and material properties. The present results can be used as a check on the solutions via numerical techniques such as finite element approaches.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
§1.1前言 1
§1.2研究動機與方法 1
§1.3文獻回顧 1
§1.4研究內容 3
第二章 三維旋轉體之幾何所引致應力奇異解 5
§2.1平衡方程式 5
§2.2本構方程式 5
§2.3彈性材料常數座標轉換 6
§2.4應力與位移之關係 8
§2.5圓柱 座標轉換成角函數 座標 10
§2.6 ρ→0之奇異性漸進解 13
§2.7連續條件與邊界條件之滿足 20
§2.8正交性材料(Orthotropic Materials)之特性 21
第三章 旋轉體應力奇異階數分析 24
§3.1方法驗證與收斂性分析 24
§3.2矽化鈦旋轉體之奇異性分析 27
§3.3不同正交性材料之影響 28
§3.4矽化鈦彈性係數改變之影響 30
3.4.1 Case1 30
3.4.2 Case2 30
3.4.3 Case3 31
§3.5雲矽鈣石旋轉體之應力奇異性 32
§3.6雙材料旋轉體之應力奇異性 33
第四章 三維楔形體之幾何所引致應力奇異解 47
§4.1 r→0之奇異性漸進解 48
§4.2連續條件與邊界條件之滿足 53
§4.3正交性材料(Orthotropic Materials)之特性 53
第五章 楔形體結果分析 56
§5.1方法驗證與收斂性分析 56
§5.2矽化鈦楔形體之奇異性分析 58
§5.3雙材料旋轉體之應力奇異性 59
5.3.1 矽化鈦/等向性材料 雙材料楔形體 59
5.3.2正交性材料/等向性材料 雙材料楔形體 62
5.3.3雲矽鈣石/等向性材料 雙材料楔形體 63
第六章 結論與建議 75
§6.1 結論 75
6.1.1 三維旋轉體 75
6.1.2 三維楔形體 76
§6.2 建議 77
參考文獻 78
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