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研究生(外文):Yen, Yu-jung
論文名稱(外文):The Enchantment of Escape: An Intertextual Reading of Ann Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho
指導教授(外文):Feng, Pin-chia
外文關鍵詞:The Mysteries of UdolphoAnn Radcliffeintertextual readingescapeescapadeGothic novelseighteen-century women
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This thesis aims to explore the theme of “escape” in Ann Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho. By exploring this theme in Radcliffe’s most famous Gothic novel, I argue that the definition of escape does not limit to the heroine’s flight from the Gothic villain’s tyrant reign; it also suggests an ostensibly submissive and elusive mentality that strategically responds to the expected feminine virtues in the eighteenth century. When taking place in the Gothic novels, these episodes of escape reflect the collective female experiences of apprehension, avoidance and concealment, and demonstrate the courage to resist patriarchal tyranny by running away; when escape takes place at the level of reading, however, the novel readers’ escapism is often
criticized for their wanton abandonment of domestic duties, the tendency to evade responsibilities, or ill literary taste for women’s education. This thesis aims to deal with these two opposite responses towards escape in the Gothic novel, and to decide whether the act of escape encourages passive femininity, or it may contain a latent
power of subversion. In addition to Udolpho, this thesis would also provide an intertextual reading between The Monk, The Italian and Northanger Abbey by exploring their respective episodes of escape and the dialectic interaction between contemporary authors and texts. I would focus on the three levels— the narrative’s suspense, the character’s flight, and the reader’s escapism— to bring out the debate
over women’s role in the eighteen-century’s family and society, issues that continue to concern us in the twenty-first century today.

Chinese Abstract i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii

Introduction 1
Historical Background 1
Chapter Outline 7

Chapter I: Breaks in the Narrative 10

i. Transportation of the Plot 10
ii. Breaks in Narrative 12
iii. Escape in Travel 16
iv. The Flight of Imagination 20

Chapter II: The Flight of Characters 22

i. Escape and Female Mobility 23
ii. Rescue and Other Problems 29
iii. Concealment and the Mistaken Identities 33

Chapter III: Anxiety behind the Escapist Reading 39

i. The Expansion of Reading Population 40
ii. Escapist Pleasure 43
iii. The Anxiety Behind Escape 45
iv. Reading against the Regulation of Time 51

Conclusion 58

Work Cited 62

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