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研究生(外文):Hu, Ya-Wen
論文名稱(外文):Design of a novel integrated light guiding plate without the reflective sheet for backlight module application
指導教授(外文):Pan, Jui-Wen
外文關鍵詞:backlighthigh luminancemicrostructure
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We propose a novel backlight system, which consists of a hybrid light guide plate (LGP) and one diffuser sheet. The hybrid LGP contains a flat plate without any microstructures and one layer of optically patterned film (OPF). Comparing with a conventional edge-lit backlight system, the on-axis luminance can be improved up to 6.1-times by using the novel backlight system. The design also allows us to predigest the fabrication and reduce the number of components. Moreover, since the microstructures arrangement is periodical, Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) can be used on both sides. When high-brightness is not needed, the LEDs can be turned on only on one side. This condition is called the “power-saving” mode. The LEDs on both sides can also be turned on for the “high brightness” mode.
Abstract (in Chinese) i
Abstract ii
Acknowledge iii
Contents iv
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
List of Items viii
Chapter 1 Introduction of Backlight 1
1-1 Preface 1
1-2 Introductions of backlight system 2
1-3 Motivation 5
Chapter 2 Basic Theory of Optics 6
2-1 Laws of reflection and refraction 6
2-2 Law of total internal reflection and refraction 7
2-3 Fresnel equation 8
2-4 Radiometry and photometry 10
2-5 Principle for the light guide plate 13
Chapter 3 The Novel Backlight Module 16
3-1 The idea and the principle of the novel light guide plate 16
3-2 The Conditions of the Novel Backlight System 20
Chapter 4 Simulation Result 22
4-1 Light source data 22
4-2 Simulation result of the novel backlight module 24
4-3 Comparison with the Different Backlight Systems 25
Chapter 5 Characteristic Analysis 30
5-1 Tolerance Analysis of Optically Patterned Film 30
5-2 Color Aberration Analysis 32
5-3 Both Side Light Source in the backlight system 34
Chapter 6 Conclusions 37
6-1 Conclusions 37
6-2 Future Work 38
Reference 39
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