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研究生(外文):Huang, Teng-Chien
論文名稱(外文):Package of Bi-directional optical sub-assembly and the improvement of coupling efficiency
指導教授(外文):Chen, Ren-Haw
外文關鍵詞:BOSAPassive Optical NetworksCoupling efficiencyLaser welding
  • 被引用被引用:3
  • 點閱點閱:497
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BOSA (Bi-directional Sub-Optical Assembly) mainly includes the optical transmitter module and receiver module. This paper provides a testing and packaging method for duplex module. We treat the receiver module using epoxy gel sealing packaging method and laser welding technique for the transmitter module respectively to fix these two parts onto the metal main body. And sieve out the finished product with the laid-down electrical specifications to meet the conditions of testing and reliability.

This thesis employs optics simulation tool ZEMAX to explore the influence of active chip offset on the optical beam angle at which the beam enters the fiber end face while optical coupling efficiency reaches a maximum in theory. The experiments are conducted to observe the corresponding effect of chip offset when the coupling efficiency is fine tuned to the maximum. After a series of simulations and experiments, it can be concluded that the every 10μm chip offset gives a 0.5° TO light angle deviation. By this rule, the desired value of chip offset is calculated to be 60μm when a 6° fiber inclined plane is deployed in the BOSA structure. The coupling efficiency is also improved to the best and 5.46% higher than the conventional zero chip offset case. The effectiveness of the chip offset method is verified. The results also provide a greater tolerance for post-weld displacements generated by laser welding.

一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 光纖通信的演進 2
1.2.2 光纖耦合效率 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 5
1.4 研究方法 6
二、 光通訊網路與光收發模組 9
2.1 光通訊產業發展現況 9
2.2 被動光網路 PON(Passive Optical Networks)介紹 9
2.2.1 被動光網路 PON(Passive Optical Networks)的標準 10
2.2.2 EPON(Ethernet Passive Optical Network)的網路架構 12
2.3 光收發模組(Optical Transceiver Module)13
2.4 光收發次模組 OSA (Optical Sub-assembly) 14
2.4.1 光發射次模組TOSA(Transmitter OpticalSub-assembly) 14
2.4.2 接收次模組 ROSA(Receiver Optical Sub-assembly) 15
2.5 雙工次模組BOSA(Bi-directional optical subassembly) 15
2.5.1 通訊用之半導體雷射 16
2.5.2 通訊用之檢光二極體 18
2.5.3 0°濾片 19
2.5.4 45°濾片 19
2.5.5 金屬粉末射出成形(Metal Powder Injection Molding)
MIM不鏽鋼體 20
2.5.6 Z軸調整環 20
三、 雙工次模組封裝與測試實驗 27
3.1 實驗設備 27
3.1.1 雷射銲接平台 27
3.1.2 光檢測二極體耦光調整治具 27
3.1.3 L-I-V(光-電流-電壓)測試儀 27
3.1.4 光衰減器(Optical Attenuator) 27
3.1.5 光功率計(Power Meter) 28
3.1.6 UV紫光照射器 28
3.1.7 誤碼儀 28
3.1.8 程式化高低溫循環測試機 28
3.2 實驗條件與方法 28
3.2.1 前段組裝作業 28
3.2.2 耦光作業 30
3.2.3 檢光二極體封裝作業 32
3.3 測試作業 32
3.3.1 接收端靈敏度(Sensitivity)測試 32
3.3.2 發射端L-I-V(光-電流-電壓)測試 33
四、 光學模擬與提升耦合效率實驗 47
4.1 光收發次模組原理 47
4.2 雷射光源基本原理 47
4.3 雷射光源與光纖的耦合 50
4.4 光學模擬與耦合效率計算 53
4.4.1 發射端之光路模擬 53
4.4.2 耦合效率計算 55
4-5 提升耦合效率設計 56
4-6 耦合效率量測與驗證 56
五、 結論 76
參考文獻 78

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