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研究生(外文):Ko, Nai-tzu
論文名稱(外文):Corporate Governance and the Choices of ADRs: Evidence from PIIGS
指導教授(外文):Pan, Lee-HsienHsieh, Wen-Liang
外文關鍵詞:Corporate GovernanceAmerican Depository Receipt
  • 被引用被引用:1
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另外根據事件研究法的結果,公司赴海外發行存託憑證後無論何種型態的ADR Tobin Q及獨立董事比例皆提升,顯示公司赴海外上市發行ADR確實有提升公司治理與公司績效的效果,在法規方面沙賓法案實施後公司績效與公司治理皆上升,而歐洲公司治理行動計劃卻對企業提升公司治理的效果有限,其原因可能為該法案為非強制性,對企業的約束力較小所致。
This research focuses on companies of European five PIIGS which issued American Depositary Receipts from 2001 to 2010 and examines the motivation behind the issuance. This study divides the corporate governance variables into three categories (board composition, CEO characteristics, insider ownership) and explores the relationship between corporate governance and ADR listing choices. In addition, we also use American SOX act and Action Plan for Modernizing European Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance to test the validity of these events on firm performance and listing choices.

The empirical results show that companies which have worse corporate governance tend to issue Level I and R144A ADR; however, we find that these companies have higher Tobin Q. The reason why the firm performance is not positively related to corporate governance is probably because these companies gain higher interest after the issuance, and the industry these companies belong to is also one of the reason contributing to this result. Moreover, we also find that most of the European five PIIGS’s companies tend to issue Level I ADR. This is more related to the fact that the investors of European five PIIGS’s companies are highly concentrated and large shareholders aren’t willing to dilute their shares after the issuance. The motivation of expanding the foreign market and enhance the reputation is probably one of the reason why companies issued L1 ADR.

According to event analysis, firm performance and corporate governance are enhanced after the issuance of ADR, and the effect is the same for American SOX act. However, the result is not valid after the implementation of Action Plan for Modernizing European Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance because European companies are not forced to obey this act.
中文摘要........................................................... ⅰ
Abstract ............................................................ ⅱ
誌謝............................................................... ⅲ
目錄............................................................... ⅳ
表目錄........................................................................................................................... ⅴ
第一章、緒論................................................................................................................. 1
第二章、文獻回顧......................................................................................................... 4
第一節、美國存託憑證(ADR) ............................................................................4
第二節、沙賓法案 ...............................................................................................6
第三節、歐洲公司治理 .......................................................................................7
第四節、研究假說 ........................................................................................... 114
第三章、資料說明與研究方法................................................................................... 20
第一節、樣本選取 .............................................................................................20
第二節、資料來源 .............................................................................................20
第三節、變數說明 .............................................................................................20
第四節、研究方法 .............................................................................................22
第四章、實證結果與研究........................................................................................... 25
第一節、敘述統計 .............................................................................................25
第二節、羅吉斯迴歸結果 .................................................................................27
第三節、事件研究法 .........................................................................................30
第四節、Chow test檢定結果 ............................................................................32
第五節、企業選擇ADR發行型態之動機 .....................................................334
第五章、結論與建議................................................................................................... 36
參考文獻....................................................................................................................... 50
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