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研究生(外文):Chang, Kuo-Pei
論文名稱(外文):Pricing Guaranteed Life Withdrawal Benefit under Hull-White Interest Rate Model and Stochastic Mortality Model
指導教授(外文):Dai, Tian-Shry
外文關鍵詞:GLWBmortality riskinterest risklongevity riskinstallment plan
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GLWB(guaranteed lifelong withdrawal benefit)為一個普及的長天期商品。現今已被視為退休金規劃或是家庭收支規劃的一項重要選擇,同時滿足對投資及保險的需求。然而,由於GLWB的價值會根據利率、市場價格風險、死亡率風險與長壽風險而改變,因此難以對其進行評價與避險。在過去的文獻中,大多假設商品為固定利率和動態死亡率,而這會大幅影響商品評價的準確性。本研究旨在隨機死亡率及隨機利率下找出GLWB商品之公平保費費率。為了貼近實務,本研究亦探討分期繳費機制對保費的影響。

The Guaranteed Life Withdrawal Benefit, abbreviated as GLWB, is a popular long-term policy. Nowadays, it is considered as the most important choice for pension and household income-expenditure plan to satisfy customers’ need on investment and insurance. However, it is hard to price and hedge GLWB since the value of this GLWB varies due to the interest risk, the market price risk, the mortality risk, and the longevity risk. Most of literature evaluates GLWB under fixed interest rate and mortality risk assumptions, which affect the accuracy of valuation. This thesis evaluates the GLWB and the fair charge under the stochastic mortality and the interest model. In order to approximate reality, we also investigate the influence of installment payments on the fair charge.
In our sensitive analysis, we can find that the withdrawal rate is proportional to the value of GLWB. When the correlation between the account value and the interest rate is positive, the fair charge increases with the volatility of the interest rate, and vice versa. As the age of policy holder increases, the value of GLWB decreases, but this phenomena inverse when the policy holder is too old. Under the fixed present value of total payments, the number of installment payments is positive related with fair charge of policy.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討和理論基礎 4
2.1 Donatien Hainaut and Pierre Devolder, 2010 4
2.2 Tian-Shyr Dai and Yuh-Dauh Lyuu, 2010 4
2.3 楊凱旭, 2010 6
2.4 謝昌宏, 2011 6
2.5 Andrew J.G. Cairns ,David Blake ,and Kevin Dowd,2006. 6
第三章 研究方法與步驟 9
3.1 模型的基礎假設 9
3.2 建立樹狀結構 10
3.3 建構隨機死亡率過程 12
3.4 進行GLWB評價 13
第四章 實際評價範例 17
4.1 建構Hull and White 隨機利率模型 17
4.2 建構隨機死亡率模型 18
4.3 合理保證提領率g的計算 20
4.4 建構BTT以及進行Backward Induction 21
第五章 數值分析結果與討論 24
5.1 模型設定 24
5.2 模型收斂情形 24
5.3 躉繳型與分期繳費對公平保費的影響 26
5.4 離散提領和連續提領對公平保費的影響 27
5.5 死亡率隨機性對公平保費的影響 27
5.6 利率參數對公平保費的影響 28
5.7 提早解約對公平保費的影響 29
5.8 遞延期機制對公平保費的影響 30
5.9 GLWB與GMWB對公平保費的影響 30
第六章 結論與未來展望 32
6.1 結論 32
6.2 未來展望 32
參考文獻 33
1. 楊凱旭, (2010). “Pricing Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit under Hull-White Interest Rate Model.” 交通大學財金所碩士論文。
2. 謝昌宏, (2011). “Pricing Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit under Hul-White Interest Rate Model and dynamical survival model.” 交通大學財金所碩士論文。
3. Biffis, E. (2005). “Affine Processes for Dynamic Mortality and Actuarial Valuations.” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 37(3): 443-468.
4. Cairns, A. J. G., D. Blake, et al. (2006). “Pricing Death: Frameworks for the Valuation and Securitization of Mortality Risk.” Astin Bulletin 36(1): 79.
5. Dahl, M. (2004). “Stochastic Mortality in Life Insurance: Market Reserves and Mortality-Linked Insurance Contracts.” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 35(1): 113-136.
6. Duffie, D. and R. Kan (1996). “A Yield-factor Model of Interest Rates.” Mathematical finance 6(4): 379-406.
7. Hainaut, D. and P. Devolder (2008). “Mortality Modelling with Levy Process.” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 42(1): 409-418.
8. Milevsky, M. A. and S. David Promislow (2001). “Mortality Derivatives and the Option to Annuities.” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 29(3): 299-318.
9. Piscopo, G. and S. Haberman (2011). “The Valuation of Guaranteed Lifelong Withdrawal Benefit Options on Variable Annuity Contracts and The Impact of Mortality Risk.” North American Actuarial Journal 15(1): 59.
10. Renshaw, A. E. and S. Haberman (2006). “A Cohort-based Extension to the Lee–Carter Model for Mortality Reduction Factors.” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 38(3): 556-570.

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