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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Using Oral Guiding for Teaching Geometric Reasoning in Junior High School 
外文關鍵詞:cognitive loadmultimedia learninggeometric reasoningoral guiding
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1 . 就整體學生而言,以口語引導教學之階段學習成就測驗及延後測表現皆高於直述式教學,且有顯著差異。以口語引導教學之「上課意願」高於直述式教學且有顯著差異。
2 . 就高學習成就學生而言,以口語引導教學之階段學習成就測驗僅推理題部分表現高於直述式教學,且有顯著差異。以口語引導教學之延後測表現高於直述式教學,且有顯著差異。以口語引導教學之「花費心力」高於直述式教學,且有顯著差異。
3 . 就中學習成就學生而言,以口語引導教學之階段學習成就測驗及延後測表現皆高於直述式教學,且有顯著差異。以口語引導教學之「上課意願」及「理解程度」高於直述式教學,且有顯著差異。
4 . 就低學習成就學生而言,不論以口語引導教學或直述式教學之階段學習成就測驗、延後測表現、上課感知及認知負荷皆無顯著差異。
5 . 在實驗教材中皆未產生專業知識反轉效應。

In medial teaching, the multimedia is only an instrument. The design of digital teaching material and the demonstration of teachers are much more important. This study focuses on the learning of geometric reasoning. It investigates the effect of oral guiding teaching or indicative teaching on learning effectiveness, the perception in class and the cognitive load of the pupils. A quasi-experimental design is implemented in this study, which targets four normalized seventh-grade classes. The experimental group was taught with oral guiding teaching while the control group was taught with indicative teaching.

The experiment results are as follows:
Firstly, all pupils’ performance of the immediate effect and delayed posttest of oral guiding teaching is better than that of indicative teaching with a significant difference. Moreover, students’ learning interest of oral guiding teaching is higher than that of indicative teaching with a significant difference.
Secondly, as for high achievement students, their performance of the problems of reasoning of the immediate effect of oral guiding teaching is better than that of indicative teaching with a significant difference. In addition, the performance of the delayed posttest of oral guiding teaching is better than indicative teaching with a significant difference. The mental effort of oral guiding teaching is higher than indicative teaching with a significant difference.
Thirdly, in terms of middle achievement students, their performance of the immediate effect and delayed posttest of oral guiding teaching is better than that of indicative teaching with a significant difference. Besides, their learning interest and the degree of understanding of oral guiding teaching are higher than that of indicative teaching with a significant difference.
Fourthly, as for low achievement students, their performance of the immediate effect, delayed posttest, the perception in class, and the cognitive load of oral guiding teaching shows no significant difference with indicative teaching.
Finally, there is little reverse effect of professional knowledge for the experimental teaching materials.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目次 v
表次 viii
圖次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1  研究背景與動機 1
1-2  研究目的 3
1-3  研究問題 3
1-4  研究範圍與限制 4
1-5  名詞解釋 4
1-6  論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2-1  視覺搜尋與注意力引導 6
2-1-1 選擇注意力 6
2-1-2 視覺搜尋 7
2-1-3 特徵整合理論 9
2-2  認知負荷理論 10
2-2-1 認知負荷的基本假定 11
2-2-2 認知負荷的類型 12
2-2-3 認知負荷的教學設計原則 14
2-3  多媒體學習理論 19
2-3-1 多媒體學習認知理論的假設 20
2-3-2 多媒體學習認知理論的認知負荷 21
2-3-3 多媒體學習的設計原則 22
2-4  數學表徵 26
2-4-1 數學符號表徵的轉化 26
2-4-2 從表徵轉化看學習數學的困難 28
2-5  幾何學習 29
2-5-1 幾何思考的發展層次 29
2-5-2 幾何圖形的認知理解 31
2-5-3 幾何課程的學習 34
2-6  口語引導 35
第三章 研究方法 40
3-1  研究流程 40
3-1-1 準備階段 41
3-1-2 實驗階段 41
3-1-3 分析階段 42
3-2  研究設計 42
3-2-1 研究方法 42
3-2-2 研究變項與假設 42
3-2-3 實驗流程 44
3-3  研究對象 45
3-3-1 兩組程度可視為相當 46
3-3-2 兩組間不同學習成就學生程度可視為相當 47
3-4  研究工具 50
3-4-1 實驗教材發展與修改 50
3-4-2 實驗工具 59
3-5  資料分析 64
3-5-1 統計軟體PASW ( SPSS ) 64
3-5-2 效果值 (Effect size) 64
3-5-3 學習效率 (Instructional efficiency) 65
3-5-4 學習投入分數 (Instructional involvement score) 66
3-5-4 綜合學習效率與學習投入分數 68
第四章 研究結果與討論 69
4-1  階段學習成就表現及延後測分析 69
4-1-1 整體學生之分析 69
4-1-2 高學習成就學生之分析 78
4-1-3 中學習成就學生之分析 87
4-1-4 低學習成就學生之分析 96
4-2  上課感受量表分析 105
4-2-1 整體學生之分析 105
4-2-2 高學習成就學生之分析 106
4-2-3 中學習成就學生之分析 108
4-2-4 低學習成就學生之分析 109
4-3  階段學習成就表現與上課感受量表之相關性分析 111
4-3-1 整體學生之分析 111
4-3-2 高學習成就學生之分析 114
4-3-2 中學習成就學生之分析 116
4-3-2 低學習成就學生之分析 118
4-4  學習效率與投入分數暨專業知識反轉效應分析 120
4-4-1 整體學生 121
4-4-2 各學習成就學生 122
4-5  研究分析結果摘要 124
4-5-1 學習成就分析結果摘要 124
4-5-2 上課感受量表分析結果摘要 126
4-5-3 專業知識反轉效應分析結果摘要 126
第五章 研究結果分析與建議 128
5-1 研究結果分析 128
5-2 建議 129
5-3 未來研究 130
參考文獻 133
中文文獻 133
英文文獻 136
附錄一 實驗教材對照表 140
附錄二 前測卷 150
附錄三 階段學習成就測驗卷及延後測卷 152
附錄四 上課感受量表 154







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