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研究生(外文):Lee, Cheng-Han
論文名稱(外文):Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Si-Based Sensors Based on Dual Antiresonant Reflecting Optical Waveguides
指導教授(外文):Huang, Yang-Tung
外文關鍵詞:integrated opticsnanophotonics
  • 被引用被引用:2
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The design, fabrication, and characterization of novel Si-based sensors based on dual antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides (ARROWs) are proposed. For an ARROW structure, the light is confined within the core layer by antiresonant reflection in the cladding layers and by total internal reflection at the air-core interface. It can guide lightwaves in low-index cores on a high-index substrate, and the refractive index and size of the cores can be flexibly designed to be compatible with single-mode fibers. For dual ARROW, it can operate as a directional coupler or as two decoupled waveguides by controlling maximum coupling efficiency. Based on these structure, Si-based sensors based on dual ARROWs structure without any bending structure can be realized. The characteristics of dual ARROW structures were analyzed with the transfer matrix method (TMM) and the effective index method (EIM). Then, we used the beam propagation method (BPM) to simulate the propagation characteristics of the dual ARROW sensor. The devices were fabricated and characterized. Experimental results show that our Si-based sensors based on dual ARROW structure without any bending structure can be realized.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Analytic Theories and Methods 4
2.1 Transfer Matrix Method 4
2.1.1 TE Modes 5
2.1.2 TM Modes 9
2.2 Effective Index Methods 10
2.3 Eigenmode Propagation Analysis 11
2.4 Beam Propagation Method 12
Chapter 3 Dual Antiresonant Reflecting Optical Waveguide (ARROW) 15
3.1 Introduction 15
3.2 Characteristics of an ARROW Structure 16
3.3 Characteristics of Dual ARROW Structure 19
3.4 Coupling Behavior of Dual ARROW Structures 22
3.5 Summary 24
Chapter 4 Design and Simulation Results of the Si-Based Sensor based on Dual ARROW Structures 25
4.1 Design of the Slab Waveguide Structure 25
4.2 Design of the the Si-Based Sensor based on Dual ARROW Structures 27
4.2.1 Design of the Input Region 28
4.2.2 Design of the Coupling Region 28
4.2.3 Design of the Decoupling Region 29
4.2.4 Design of the Output Region 29
4.3 Simulation Results of the the Si-Based Sensor based on Dual ARROW
Structures 29
4.4 Summary 34
Chapter 5 Device Fabrication 37
5.1 Introduction 37
5.2 Deposition 38
5.3 Lithography 39
5.4 Etching Process and After Etching Inspection (AEI) 41
6 Measurement and Analysis 50
6.1 The Setup of the Optical Measurement System 50
6.2 Measurement of NaCl Solutions 53
6.3 Discussion 54
7 Conclusion 64
Bibliography 66
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