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研究生(外文):Lin, Jing-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Analyzing the Optical Properties of Multi-Junction Solar Cells by Electroluminescence Images
指導教授(外文):Chou, Wu-Ching
外文關鍵詞:ElectroluminescenceSolar CellsImages
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Spatially-resolved electroluminescence (EL) images in triple-junction solar cells have been investigated under irradiation of the IR laser. The EL image, EL spectra, and ER spectra have been used to investigate the optical properties between the top subcell and the middle subcell. Upon irradiating the IR laser with energy below the bandgap of the top subcell, but above the middle subcell, the EL intensity of the top subcell is quenched. From the result of ER spectra, the build-in electric field of the top subcell increases under irradiation of the IR laser. With increasing the irradiation of the IR laser, the EL intensity quenches exponentially. We find the EL intensity of the top subcell is quenched owing to the photovoltage generated by the irradiation of the IR laser and the coupling effect between the top subcell and the middle subcell.
Chapter 1 : Introduction 1
Chapter 2 : Experiments 4
2.1 Sample Introduction 4
2.2 Electroluminescence Image System 6
2.3 Electroluminescence Spectra System 7
2.4 Electroreflectance Spectra System 8
Chapter 3 : Results and Discussion 13
3.1 Studies of the Built-in Electric Field in the Top Subcell 13
3.2 Applications 21
Chapter 4 : Conclusions 33
Bibliographies 34

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