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研究生(外文):Hsu, Chia-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Fully-Digitalized Implementation for AC/DC Converter with High Power Factor and High Efficiency
指導教授(外文):Lin, Shir-Kuan
外文關鍵詞:bridgeless power factor correctorresonant convertersynchronous rectificationdigital signal processor
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This thesis present the design and implementation of a Fully-digitalized AC/DC converter with high power factor and high efficiency for LCD-TV power system. The front stage is a bridgeless power factor corrector, the conduction loss in the rectifier bridge can be reduced. The predictive current control with constant switching frequency is used for current loop to force the input current and voltage in phase and raise the power factor to unity, the PI control law is used for voltage loop to stabilize output voltage; The second stage is LLC resonant converter, a variable frequency controller is used to regulate output voltage, the resonant component which makes the switch of primary side to achieve zero voltage switching and reduce switching loss, a synchronous rectifier is added in the secondary side to reduce conduction loss and improve efficiency.
In this thesis, the proposed circuit is simulated by PSIM to analyze the performance of the design results. The digital signal processor TMS320F28035 is used to develop the control functions of voltage and current loop. An experimental system of 300W output power with 24Vdc for AC110V/60Hz input is constructed, experimental data show that the power factor and the efficiency is 0.996 and 91.8% under full load condition.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 功因校正技術 2
1.2.2 半橋式諧振轉換器 4
1.3 本文架構簡介 6
1.4 本文大綱 7
第2章 系統架構之分析與設計 8
2.1 無橋式功因修正器之設計 8
2.2 無橋式功因修正器之模擬 12
2.3 LLC諧振轉換器之系統分析 15
2.3.1 增益分析 15
2.3.2 操作區域分析 17
2.3.3 轉換器動作原理 19
2.4 諧振槽參數設計 23
2.5 LLC諧振轉換器之控制 27
2.6 LLC諧振轉換器之模擬 28
第3章 系統電路設計與軟體規劃 32
3.1 系統整體架構 32
3.2 無橋式功因修正器之硬體電路 33
3.2.1 電壓回授電路及零交越點偵測電路 33
3.2.2 電流回授電路 34
3.2.3 閘極驅動電路 35
3.3 LLC諧振轉換器之硬體電路 36
3.3.1 電壓回授電路 36
3.3.2 閘極驅動電路 37
3.3.3 同步整流控制IC 37
3.4 數位信號處理器 40
3.4.1 TMS320F28035簡介 40
3.4.2 軟體流程規劃 41
3.4.3 數位控制器 43
第4章 實驗結果分析 45
4.1 實驗目標 45
4.2 無橋式功因修正器之實驗結果 45
4.3 LLC諧振轉換器之實驗結果 51
4.4 結果討論 57
第5章 結論與未來展望 58
5.1 結論 58
5.2 未來展望 58
參考文獻 59
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