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研究生(外文):Huang, Yaju
論文名稱(外文):Segmentations of Users Using Cluster Analysis for Social Networking Sites
指導教授(外文):Tang, Ying-Chan
外文關鍵詞:Social networking sites(SNS)Social networking advertising (SNA)Uses and gratification theoryCluster analysis
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In the Web2.0 era, the rapid growth of social media has become mainstream media. Constantly, people gradually engage in-between social networking sites(SNS) to communicate and interact with others. Thus, corporations wish to achieve direct and efficient communication with consumers by applying additional resources on SNS. While the users are driven by various motivations to use social networking sites, there are both positive and negative factors which affect their behaviors on SNS and attitudes toward the commercial messages. Previous studies focused on how the users’ motivations influence their attitude toward the social networking advertising (SNA), however this study will further segregate the users by the different characteristics of SNS usage to understand the difference of characteristics and behaviors among the different groups.
The classification regarding with user’s variations of users’ characteristics are based on Uses and Gratification Theory, the negative impact by social networking advertising(SNA) and the attitude toward the commercial messages on SNS. We classify those variations into seven categories, which are ”Social Interaction”, ”Word of Mouth(WOM) Preference”, "Life Information", ”Advertising identity”, "Advertising interference", ”Privacy concern”, and ”Peer influence”. According to these seven categories, we also segregate the users into five groups, which are "SNA acceptants”, ”Social Rednecks”, ”WOM Followers”, ”Daily-info Dependence”, and "Social Masters”.
By analyzing the differences between users’ characteristics within those groups, we can further investigate the divergence of their using behaviors and Social Networking Advertisement (SNA) affected consuming behaviors on SNS. The result of this study can greatly elevate the understanding of corporations toward users’ using characteristic and behaviors. It also provides practical marketing strategy indicators for social network advertisers and conductors when targeting a particular group of users.

中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的與範圍 3
1.3研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 Web2.0 5
2.2社群媒體 6
2.3社群網站 6
2.4使用者原創內容 8
2.5線上口碑行銷 9
2.6社群網站廣告 9
2.7對社群網站廣告之態度 10
2.8使用與滿足理論 11
2.8.1內容性 12
2.8.2結構性 12
2.8.3 社交性 13
第三章 研究方法 14
3.1 變數操作性定義與衡量 14
3.1.1社群網站使用行為變數 14
3.1.2 社群網站廠商廣告影響購買行為變數 14
3.1.3社群網站使用特性變數 14
3.3.4人口統計變數 15
3.2問卷設計 16
3.2.1第一部分:使用社群網站與社群網站廠商廣告影響購買行為之行為變數 16
3.2.2第二部分:社群網站使用特性變數 17
3.2.3第三部分:社群網站使用者的人口統計變數 18
3.3 研究架構與假設 20
3.4 抽樣方法與資料收集 21
3.4.1 選擇抽樣方法 21
3.4.2資料收集 21
3.5資料分析方法 21
3.5.1描述性統計 21
3.5.2因素分析 21
3.5.3集群分析 22
3.5.4區別分析 22
3.5.5卡方檢定 22
第四章 資料分析 24
4.1樣本結構分析 25
4.1.1人口統計變數 25
4.1.2社群網站使用行為 30
4.1.3社群網站廣告影響的購買次數 33
4.2 因素分析 34
4.3 集群分析 39
4.4 區別分析 42
4.5 外部一致性分析 44
4.5.1 社群網站使用者族群在人口統計之外部一致性分析 44
4.5.2 社群網站使用者族群在社群網站使用行為之外部一致性分析 46
第五章 結論與建議 48
5.1結論 48
5.2研究限制與建議 50
第六章 參考文獻 51
附錄一 研究問卷 56

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