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研究生(外文):Chen, Ying-Chi
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Task Characteristics and Organizational Factors on Team Member’s Knowledge Sharing Attitude and Behavior
指導教授(外文):Wang, Yau-De
外文關鍵詞:Team-level trustTask interdependenceTask uncertaintyKnowledge sharing
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Knowledge sharing is critical to enterprises due to its effect on product innovation, reduction of production costs, team performance, and firm’s overall innovative capability. Knowledge sharing appears not only among organizations but also among individuals. Therefore, it is worthy forexploring employees’ sharing of their knowledge across teams or functional specialties.
We took employees in IC design industry as our sample of subjects. Two hundred and seventy questionnaires were distributed and 253 were returned. The hypothesis testing showed that (1) team- level trust, task interdependence, and norm for knowledge sharing have a positive relation with knowledge sharing attitude; (2) knowledge sharing attitude has a positive association with knowledge sharing behavior; and (3) knowledge sharing attitude mediates the positive relations between team-level trust, task interdependence,and knowledge sharing norm and knowledge sharing behavior. When both knowledge sharing attitude and knowledge sharing norm are regressed to knowledge sharing behavior at the same time, it is found that only knowledge sharing attitude has a positive association with knowledge sharing behavior.

摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 1
1.3研究目的與問題 2
1.4研究流程 3
第2章 文獻探討與研究假說 5
2.1知識分享 5
2.2社會資本 17
2.3理性行為理論 24
2.4團隊 26
2.5研究變項之間的關係探討 29
2.6研究架構 33
第3章 研究方法 35
3.1問卷題項設計 35
3.2抽樣設計 40
3.3資料分析方法 42
第4章 實證資料分析 44
4.1樣本資料描述性分析 44
4.2各構面敘述性統計分析 46
4.3因素分析及信度檢定 51
4.4相關分析 56
4.5各構面之迴歸分析 58
4.6各構面變項之中介效果分析 63
4.7研究假說實證結果彙總 66
第5章討論與結論 67
5.1研究結論 67
5.2學術意涵 71
5.3管理意涵 73
5.4研究限制 75
5.5未來研究建議及總結 76
參考文獻 78
附錄:問卷 86

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