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研究生(外文):Hsiung, Yueh
論文名稱(外文):Positioning Control of Ultrasonic Motors Applied to Endodontic Microrobot
外文關鍵詞:Ultrasonic MotorsEndodontic Microrobot
  • 被引用被引用:3
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The endodontic technology has been developed for many years in dentistry. However, treatment success still heavily depends on experience of dentists. Therefore, the present study aims to enhance the clinical quality and increase cure rates of endodontic technology by developing a computer-aided system and an endodontic microrobot. This study develops the positioning control for the endodontic microrobot.
This study can be divided into two main parts, which include designs of an ultrasonic motor (USM) actuator stage and controllers of ultrasonic and stepping motors to drive the endodontic instrument. The USM stage is constructed by using six USMs to achieve displacement and rotation along X, Y, and Z axes and attain any motion required in the endodontic treatment process. We design a CMAC and PID controller for the USM stage to improve the accuracy during the process, and use a micro stepping motor as the endodontic instrument driving motor. In multi-axis control, this study uses a CMAC and PID controller to provide stable speed in the endodontic treatment process.

摘 要 III
Abstract IV
誌 謝 V
目錄 VI
圖 表 目 錄 VIII
第1章 引 言 1
1.1 超音波馬達 1
1.2 步進馬達 4
1.3 霍爾感測器 7
1.4 類神經網路 9
1.5 比例積分微分控制 9
第2章 根管治療輔助裝置機構設計 12
2.1 超音波馬達致動平台設計 12
2.2 牙齒平台固定基座設計 18
2.3 超音馬達驅動放大器 26
第3章 超音波馬達位移控制 29
3.1 超音波馬達系統模型建立 29
3.2 超音波馬達位移控制 38
3.3 CMAC與PID控制理論 42
3.3.1 小腦模型神經控制器 42
3.3.2 CMAC與PID控制法結合 46
3.4 順滑模態控制 51
第4章 超音波馬達控制實驗 55
4.1 實驗儀器與實驗架構 55
4.2 超音波馬達定位控制實驗及實驗結果 59
4.3 超音波馬達速度控制實驗及實驗結果 63
第5章 結論 65
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