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研究生(外文):Huang, Bo-Yu
論文名稱(外文):High Efficiency Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Heterojunction Solar Cells
指導教授(外文):Yu, Pei-ChenChu, Chih-Wei
外文關鍵詞:solar cellhybirdsiliconheterojunction
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An organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells are cheap alternatives to conventional silicon-based solar cells. The devices take the advantages of high optical absorption and carrier mobility of inorganic semiconductors, while maintaining the easy processing attributes of polymers or other soft materials. However, the conduction of holes has been a major technical barrier for the advance of such novel devices. In this study, a hybrid PEDOT:PSS/silicon heterojunction solar cell is demonstrated with an average power conversion efficiency of 9.84% using rapid solution-based organic processes. Then we propose the use of silver nanowires (AgNWs) to improve the series resistance of the hybrid solar cells and further to realize solution-processed silicon-based photovoltaics. At last, the modeling of such devices predicts an efficiency exceeding 20% with improved reflection loss and material properties, shedding light into the attainment of high-efficiency and low-cost photovoltaics based on organic/inorganic hybrid devices.
In the first section of my thesis, we discuss how to fabricate hybrid heterojunction solar cells with silicon nanowire and pyramidal surface textures. The hybrid heterojunction solar cells are demonstrated based on the composite of conductive polymer PEDOT:PSS directly spun-cast on a micro-textured n-type crystalline silicon wafer. Moreover, the industrial-standard microscale surface textures improve the antireflection and carrier collection without increasing much surface recombination. Then we replace the frontal metal contacts with the coating of AgNWs. The cross-linked AgNWs offer high transparency and low sheet resistance, which can be easily fabricated using low-cost and non-toxic materials.
In the second section, we employed a self-consistent drift-diffusion and Poisson solver to theoretically investigate the effects of interface/bulk defects, doping concentration, and back surface recombination on the device performance. With a proper choice of band alignment, the modeling of such devices predicts an efficiency exceeding 20% with improved reflection loss and material properties.

第一章 序論及研究動機............................................................................................1
1-1 太陽能源的發展........................................................................................2
1-2 矽太陽能電池與有機太陽能電池發展現況............................................5
1-3 研究動機..................................................................................................13
第二章 太陽能電池工作原理及量測分析..............................................................14
2-1 太陽能電池基本架構..............................................................................15
2-2 太陽能電池光電轉換原理......................................................................16
2-3 太陽能電池元件常用參數定義..............................................................19
2-4 太陽能電池分析量測技術......................................................................23
第三章 混合式太陽能電池製程與量測分析............................................................28
3-1 混合式太陽能電池製程..........................................................................30
3-2 光電轉換效率量測及外部量子效率量測..............................................35
3-3 銀奈米線電極應用於混合式太陽能電池..............................................37
第四章 混合式太陽能電池電性模擬分析................................................................44
4-2 材料與元件參數......................................................................................47
4-3 模擬結果與討論......................................................................................48
第五章 總結與未來展望............................................................................................52
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