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研究生(外文):Hsieh, Meng-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Indoor Navigation by Augmented Reality and Down-looking Omni-vision Techniques Using Mobile Devices
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Wen-Hsiang
外文關鍵詞:Indoor navigationAugmented RealityHuman localization
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When people visit new indoor places or complicated indoor environments, there usually needs a navigation system to guide them to desired destinations. In this study, an indoor navigation system based on augmented reality (AR) and computer vision techniques by the use of a mobile device like an HTC Flyer or an iPad is proposed.
At first, an indoor vision infra-structure is set up by attaching fisheye cameras on the ceiling of the navigation environment. The user’s location and orientation are detected at a server-side system, and the analysis results are sent to the client-side system. Furthermore, the server-side system also sends the surrounding environment information and the navigation path to the client-side system, which runs on the user’s mobile device. The client-side system then displays the information in an AR way, which provides clear information for a user to conduct the navigation.
For human localization, a vision-based localization technique is proposed, which analyzes images captured from the fisheye cameras, and detects human activities in the environment. In order to transform coordinates of image points into the real-world space, a space-mapping technique is proposed. Furthermore, three techniques are integrated together to conduct human orientation detection effectively. The first is analysis of human motions in consecutive images. The second is utilization of the orientation sensor on the user’s mobile device. The last is localization of the color edge mark attached on the top of the mobile device using omni-images. These techniques are integrated together to provide a reliable human orientation detection system.
A path planning technique for use to generate a path from a spot to a selected destination via the use of an environment map is also proposed. The environment map is constructed from a floor plan drawing of the indoor environment. An obstacle avoidance map is created from the floor plan drawing, which is used to determine the avoidance direction when a path collides with an obstacle in the environment.
Finally, the navigation information is overlaid onto the image shown on the mobile device to provide an AR navigation interface. A method for estimation of the field-of-view of the camera on the mobile device is proposed. The field-of-view is used to construct a transformation matrix, by which real-world points can be transformed into the screen plane, so that the navigation information can be overlaid onto the corresponding real-world objects in the images to accomplish the AR function of the system.
Good experimental results are also presented to show the feasibility of the proposed methods for real applications. Precision measures and statistics showing the system’s effectiveness in producing precise data for accurate visiting target displays and environment navigations are also included.
ABSTRACT (in Chinese) i
ABSTRACT (in English) ii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Review of Related Works 2
1.2.1 Review of Related Indoor Navigation Works 3
1.2.2 Review of Related Augmented Reality Works 4
1.2.3 Review of Related Human Localization Works 4
1.2.4 Review of Related Path Planning Works 5
1.3 Overview of Proposed Methods 6
1.4 Contributions 7
1.5 Thesis Organization 8
Chapter 2 Ideas of Proposed Methods and System Design 9
2.1 Ideas of Proposed Method 9
2.2 Ideas of System Design 11
2.2.1 Server-side System 11
2.2.2 Client-side System 12
2.2.3 Cooperation between Client and Server Sides 13
2.3 System Configuration 14
2.3.1 Hardware Configuration 14
2.3.2 Network Configuration 16
2.3.3 Software Configuration 16
2.4 System Processes 17
2.4.1 Learning Process 17
2.4.2 Navigation Process 19
Chapter 3 Learning of Environments 23
3.1 Ideas of Proposed Environment Learning Techniques 23
3.2 Coordinate Systems Used in This Study 24
3.3 Construction of Environment Map 25
3.3.1 Information of Environment Map 26
3.3.2 Finding Walkable Regions in Environment Floor Plan 27
3.3.3 Obstacle Orientation Analysis 29
3.3.4 Learning of Magnetic Field Information 32
3.3.5 Algorithm of Environment Construction 33
3.4 Camera Calibration 34
3.4.1 Fisheye Camera Calibration and Ground Point Location Mapping 34
3.4.2 Calibration of Camera on Mobile Device 40
3.5 Experimental Results 44
Chapter 4 Human Localization in Indoor Environments by Computer Vision Techniques 46
4.1 Idea of Proposed Human Localization Techniques 46
4.2 Human Location Detection 47
4.2.1 Background/Foreground Separation 47
4.2.2 Human Foot Point Detection and Computation 49
4.3 Human Orientation Detection 50
4.3.1 Orientation Detection by Human Motions 50
4.3.2 Orientation Detection by Orientation Sensor on Client Device 54
4.3.3 Orientation Detection by Color Edge Mark on Top of Client Device 56
4.3.4 Algorithm of Orientation Detection 60
4.4 Human Tracking 61
4.4.1 Idea of Human Tracking 61
4.4.2 Camera Hand-off 65
4.5 Algorithm of Human Localization and Tracking 67
4.6 Experimental Results 68
Chapter 5 Path Planning for Navigation 71
5.1 Ideas of Proposed Techniques 71
5.2 Obstacle Avoidance 72
5.3 Path Finding 77
5.4 Path Simplification 79
5.5 Path Update 86
5.6 Algorithm for Path Planning 88
5.7 Experimental Results 89
Chapter 6 Augmented Reality for Navigation 92
6.1 Ideas of Proposed Techniques 92
6.2 View Mapping between Real World and Client Device 93
6.2.1 Information for Use in Mapping between Real World and Client Device 93
6.2.2 Transformation from Real World Spot to Client Device Screen 94
6.3 Rendering for Visiting Targets and Navigation Paths 99
6.3.1 Visiting Target Rendering 99
6.3.2 Rendering and Geometry Creation of Navigation Paths 104
6.4 Algorithm of Indoor Navigation by Augmented Reality 107
6.5 Experimental Results 108
Chapter 7 Experimental Results and Discussions 111
7.1 Experimental Results 111
7.1.1 Result of Real Navigations 112
7.1.2 Result of Precision Measurement 118
7.2 Discussions 123
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Works 125
8.1 Conclusions 125
8.2 Suggestions for Future Works 126
References 128
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