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研究生(外文):Liang, Jui-Shan
論文名稱(外文):Two-Phase Online Memory Leak Detection
指導教授(外文):Lin, Yi-BingTsai, Meng-Hsun
外文關鍵詞:memory leakonline monitoringoffline analysisheapJava
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本論文提出以兩階段的方式線上偵測Java程式之記憶體洩漏。在第一階段(離線分析),使用者執行所要監控之程式一段時間,並使用我們所提出之代理程式分析其記憶體堆疊(heap)。代理程式接著離線計算記憶體堆疊中各資料結構的總佔用位元數(total occupied bytes),以便使用者依據此計算結果選擇可能造成記憶體洩漏之物件類別。在第二階段(線上監看),為了減少程式運行時額外增加的時間與空間,代理程式僅監看使用者所選擇的類別之物件,而非監看記憶體堆疊中的所有物件。本方法會回報被監看物件最後被存取之時間與位置(包含原始碼檔名以及行號),以利使用者參考並修改程式。
Memory leaks generated by a running program may exhaust memory resources and degrade system performance. In worst case memory leaks eventually crash the whole system. They threaten long-running systems such as customer service systems in telecom operations. It is hard to reproduce these kinds of leaks, let alone to identify and fix them early in the development phase. Thus online memory leak detection is required.
In this paper we propose a two-phase approach to the online memory leak detection problem for Java programs. In phase one (offline analysis), the user executes the investigated program for a while and analyzes its heap with the proposed agent. The agent then summarizes the total occupied bytes of data structures in the heap offline, and the user is then able to select classes whose object instances seem to be potential leaks by examining the total occupied bytes summary. In phase two (online monitoring), to reduce the space and time overhead at runtime, the agent monitors online the objects of selected classes instead of monitoring all objects in the heap. The approach reports the last accessed time and location (including the source file name and the line number) of each leak candidate, with which the user can identify and fix leaks in the program.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgements III
Contents IV
List of Figures VII
List of Tables VIII
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 3
3 Concept of Referencing Among Objects 5
3.1 Total Occupied Bytes .............................. 5
3.2 Reference Paths and Reference Rules ..................... 8
4 Design and Implementation of Two-Phase Online Memory Leak Detection 12
4.1 Overview .................................... 12
4.1.1 Structure Diagram ........................... 13
4.1.2 Phase One: Offline Analysis ...................... 13
4.1.3 Phase Two: Online Monitoring .................... 14
4.2 User Interface Module ............................. 15
4.2.1 Phase One Dialog Component ..................... 15
4.2.2 Phase Two Dialog Components .................... 18
4.3 Core Module .................................. 20
4.3.1 Heap Snapshot Component ...................... 20
4.3.2 Dominator Tree Component ...................... 21
4.3.3 Object Monitor Component ...................... 21
4.3.4 Record Component ........................... 22
4.3.5 Reporter Component .......................... 23
5 Performance Evaluation 24
5.1 Locating Memory Leak in Eclipse 3.1.2 .................... 24
5.2 Space Overhead Analysis ............................ 25
5.2.1 Phase One (Offline Analysis) ..................... 25
5.2.2 Phase Two (Online Monitoring) .................... 27
5.3 Time Overhead Analysis ............................ 28
6 Conclusions 31
Bibliography 32
A The MyProgram Program 34
B The RuntimeExp Program 44
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[12] Eclipse bug 115789 - memory leak. The Eclipse Foundation. [Online]. Available: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=115789
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