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研究生(外文):Hsien-yuan Yen
論文名稱(外文):An Investigation on the Rhetorical Structure of EFL Learners’ Thesis Writing
指導教授(外文):Chuen-teng Huang
外文關鍵詞:literature reviewrhetorical structure
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過去的研究指出論文寫作為最困難的學術寫作文體之一,對於需要以非母語撰寫之研究者更為困難。而在整篇論文的寫作中,文獻探討的部分又被視為最困難的章節。文獻探討的困難包括了資料搜尋檢索的困難,閱讀理解的困難及寫作上的困難。有些研究者認為修辭結構及文體知識的不足為造成文獻探討困難之主要因素。然而,在過去研究中,對於英語為非母語研究生的文獻探討困難尚未有一致的結果。除此之外,對於這類研究生所作的文獻探討部分的修辭結構也尚未有完整的研究。因此,本研究之要旨在於探討以英語為外語的學習者在撰寫學位論文文獻探討部分之修辭結構及其所遭遇之困難。研究問題須回答:(1)學生在學位論文文獻探討部分中,三階段發展之修辭結構及策略運用為何?(2)研究生在撰寫文獻探討的過程中遭遇到哪些問題?此研究為個案研究。研究對象為兩名以英語為外語之研究生。研究方法採用文本分析法及訪談分析法。研究結果顯示:(1)文獻探討部分的修辭結構和Kwan (2006)的修辭結構並非完全相同。本研究中,研究對象傾向於使用較規律且簡單的修辭結構。除此之外,在接受教授指導過後,修辭結構發展的過程相對的比較穩定。(2)兩位受訪者在文獻探討的過程中皆遇到一些困難。最主要的困難為將接收到之訊息轉換成自己的寫作。其他困難包括文獻搜尋,批判性閱讀,適當的字彙運用,組織寫作內容及發展新的論點。
Previous studies have indicated that thesis writing is one of the most difficult academic genres to write, especially when researchers are required to write in another language, while among different sections of thesis writing, Literature Review section has been regarded as the most difficult section to complete. Three major types of such reviewing difficulties are identified, i.e. Searching Difficulties, Reading Difficulties and Writing Difficulties. Some researchers (e.g. Bitchener and Basturkmen, 2006; Turner, 2005) indicated that insufficient knowledge of rhetorical structure and genre leads to the difficulties of completing Literature Review section. However, in the past, the results of non-English native graduate students’ Literature Review difficulties are not consistent. Besides, the rhetorical structure of a whole Literature Review section by such writers has rarely been investigated. The purpose of the present study was thus to explore the rhetorical structure and the major difficulties found in the Literature Review section of EFL graduate students’ thesis writing. Two research questions were formulated: (1) What are the move structures and strategies in students’ Literature Review section of their theses in three different phases? (2) What are the major difficulties these students encountered in doing their Literature Review texts? Two EFL master’s degree graduate students were involved in this case study. Text-analysis of the three versions of their writing and interview analysis were employed. Results of this study showed: (1) The participants’ rhetorical structure of Literature Review section was not entirely similar to that in Kwan’s (2006) model. In this study, participants tended to use more regular and less complicated rhetorical patterns. In addition, the developmental phases of their Literature Review section became relatively stable after receiving their advisor’s instruction. (2) Both participants encountered difficulties in transforming the selected passages and information into writing. Other difficulties identified include searching the needed literature, reading literature critically, using appropriate vocabulary words, organizing the writing and developing new arguments.
Introduction 1
Background of the Study 1
Rationales of the Study 5
Purpose of the Study 7
Research Questions 7
Significance of the Study 8
Definition of Terms 9
The Organization of the Study 12
Introduction 13
Academic Writing 13
Academic Writing Difficulties 17
Genre Analysis on Academic Writing 18
Move Analysis on Academic Writing 20
CARS Model in Academic Writing 21
CARS Model in Research Writing 24
CARS Model in Research Article 24
CARS Model in Thesis/ Dissertation Writing 26
Thesis Writing Difficulties 27
Thesis Writing Difficulties in Linguistic
Aspect 29
Thesis Writing Difficulties in Organization and
Rhetorical Structure 30
The Issue of Literature Review Section 32
Difficulties and Mistakes on Literature Review 36
The Purposes and Functions of Literature Review 39
Organizational and Rhetorical Structure of
Literature Review 40
Summary 44
Introduction 46
The Methodological Framework of the Study 46
Participants 47
Instrument 48
Data Collection 51
Data Analysis 52
Summary 54
Results of Text Analysis 55
Results of Participant A 55
Introduction Section Text 55
Body Section Text 56
Conclusion Section Text 62
Results of Participant B 64
Results of Interview Analysis 67
Results of Literature Searching Difficulties 67
Results of Literature Reading Difficulties 69
Results of Literature Writing Difficulties 70
Micro-Level 71
Macro-Level 73
Discussion of Text-Analysis Results 78
Discussion on the results of Participant A 78
Introduction Section Text 78
Body Section Text: 3-Move Rhetorical Structure 78
Body Section Text: 3-Move Strategies 80
Conclusion Section Text 82
Discussion on the Results of Participant B 83
Introduction Section Text 83
Body Section Text: 3-Move Rhetorical Structure 83
Body Section Text: 3-Move Strategies 84
Conclusion Section Text 86
Summary of the Major Findings of Text-Analysis 87
Discussion of Interview Analysis Results 89
Findings of Searching Difficulties 89
Findings of Reading Difficulties 89
Findings of Writing Difficulties 90
Micro-Level 90
Macro-Level 91
Summary of Major Findings of Interview Analysis 95
Conclusions 96
Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research 97
Appendix A Sample Transcripts of the Interview
(Participant A) 106
Appendix B Sample Transcripts of the Interview
(Participant B) 113

Table2.1 The CARS Model 23
Table2.2 A Move Structure for the Thematic Units in LR
Chapters 42
Table3.1 A Move Structure for the Thematic Units in LR
Chapters 49
Table4.1 Frequencies of the Three Moves 57
Table4.2 Examples of the Move Configurations 58
Table4.3 Frequencies of Move 1 Strategies 60
Table4.4 Frequencies of Move 2 Strategies 61
Table4.5 Frequencies of Move 3 Strategies 62

Figure 2.1 The Literature Review Model 35
Figure 4.1 Frequencies of the Three Moves 58
Figure 4.2 Frequency Distribution of the Move
Configurations 59
Figure 4.3 Distribution of Move 1 Configurations 60
Figure 4.4 Distribution of Move 2 Configurations 61
Figure 4.5 Distribution of Move 3 Configurations 62

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