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論文名稱(外文):The Study of Concept Map Applying for Accounting Course via Qualitative Method
外文關鍵詞:concept mappingaccounting teachingconcept mapmeaningful learning
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Prior researches begin to use concept map to accounting teaching and the results are positive. However, most of previous studies use the method of empirical quantification rather than qualitative method. This study uses qualitative method to investigate how the feeling of learners for learning concept mapping and the textbooks courses via in-depth interviews. Therefore, this study verifies previous results from another view point, expecting to obtain different opinions from learners'. This study uses purposive sampling to select respondents who have different learning levels, and they are four initial learning students, one passed and done quite well student and one failed and learning again student.
The results of this studyare as follows. First, concept mapping could promote learners' independent thinking and achieve meaningful learning. Textbooks of concept map attract learners' attention, and motivation than the traditional linear textbooks. Third, the more colorful concept maps attract learners' attention, and motivation than the normal concept maps. Further, the new insights of this study are as follows. First, the motivations of students from the concept map are mainly caused by teachers' verbal skills. Second, textbooks of concept map reduce students’ initial learning difficulties and enhance the motivation of students. Third, cooperative learning is not entirely benefit to all students unless there is appropriate supervision. Forth, when there are a large number of concepts, computerized concept mapping can help students to integrate the concepts and improve mess situation in hand-writing.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 研究問題與目的 4
第三節 研究步驟 6
第四節 研究範圍與限制 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 概念圖相關研究 9
第二節 概念圖在會計學教材之應用 12
第三節 概念圖成效之相關研究 13
第三章 研究方法 16
第一節 紮根理論 16
第二節 研究對象 17
第三節 研究程序 18
第四章 研究結果與討論 35
第一節 研究結果 35
第二節 討論 55
第五章 結論與建議 58
第一節 研究總結 58
第二節 未來研究建議 59
參考文獻 61
中文部分 61
英文部分 62
附錄1:訪談問卷 69
附錄2:訪談大綱 70
附錄3:訪談逐字稿 71

圖1:研究流程圖 6
圖2-1:傳統線性教材(1) 22
圖2-2:傳統線性教材(2) 23
圖2-3:傳統線性教材(3) 23
圖3:會計學概念圖教材 24
圖4:彩色會計概念圖教材-漸層 25
圖5:彩色會計概念圖教材-群集 25
圖6:本研究選擇性編碼釋例 32
圖7:PANDIT 紮根理論執行流程圖 33

表1:受訪者背景資料 17
表2:本研究開放性編碼釋例 27
表3:本研究發展範疇 29
表4:本研究主軸編碼 30
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