This essay is a study about Japanese Schooling feeding. Mainly about schooling feeding’s change in social background of after. The object to be find out what the influence of social background to the Japanese schooling feeding. This essay is formed 5 chapters. Preface is detailed statement to the problem about the author think about why Japanese schooling feeding is perfect than Taiwan and the cause which the author want to be thoroughly investigated. 1st chapter has detailed statement of Japanese schooling feeding’s history. At first, Japanese schooling feeding’s start was 1889, in Yamagata. After that, schooling feeding developed but not very thrive. Until 1945, Japanese schooling feeding has become very prosperous. 2nd chapter has detailed statement of menu of Japanese schooling feeding. Especially since from 1954 to now(2012). 3nd chapter has detailed statement of after bubble economy of Japanese schooling feeding. Final chapter is circadian Finally, couple issues and subject as well as future prospect study in currently about the effect of Japanese schooling feeding with the plan of “food education”.