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研究生(外文):Yu-chain Wu
論文名稱(外文):A Two Dimensional Simulation of The Thermal Conductive Behavior of Rocks with Two Excavated Holes Using Finite Difference Method
指導教授(外文):Chahsen T.Lin
外文關鍵詞:Deep Geologic Disposalcoefficient of thermal conductivityTOUGH2
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用過核燃料含有核分裂產物及長半衰期之放射性物質,對人類生活圈具有潛在且長遠的威脅性,因此必須採用足以長期隔離的方式加以處置。目前世界各核能先進國家經長期的研究結果建議最佳的永久處置方式都傾向於採用深層地質處置(Deep Geologic Disposal)法,以此方式來處理用過核子燃料或高放射性廢棄物被認為是實際可行與安全之措施,也是我國目前對放射性廢棄物最終處置進行評估之方法。因此本研究將針對高放射性廢棄物於深層處置時,放射性廢棄物所釋放出的衰變熱,導致處置場溫度的變化,以數值分析的方法加以模擬。分析的內容包括在不同的處置孔間距下,溫度會產生變化的範圍。
The spent nuclear fuel consisting of the product from nuclear fission and radioactive material with long half-life will be potentially and permanently threatening the human’s living area, and therefore the adopted disposal method has to be capable of permanently isolating the waste. After long-term research the advanced countries, including Taiwan, using nuclear energy suggested that the Deep Geologic Disposal method, which has been also the one adopted by our country, should be the optimum, stable, and secure final disposal method for spent nuclear fuel. This research conducted the numerical simulation of the temperature variation due to the decay heat released by nuclear waste deposed in deep underground rocks. The work content of the research also covered the study of the extent of temperature variation with various distances between disposal holes.
With the reference to the relevant documents from SKB and SNFD2009 from Taiwanese INER and the basic concept of Deep Geologic Disposal method, the influence of temperature distribution of the deep underground disposal site of the nuclear waste due to the variation of distance between disposal holes and coefficient of thermal conductivity was simulated in this research. The numerical results showed that the coefficient of thermal conductivity of host rocks is the major factor to influence the temperature distribution in the disposal site and the other important factor is the distance between disposal holes. The numerical results can be important references for the selection of final disposal site. It is also found that the numerical results obtained from this research is quite similar to the ones obtained from FEHM with respect to the thermal conductive behavior and temperature variation in the disposal site and the difference of numerical data is also quite limited.
摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3研究內容 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1放射性廢棄物處置概念 4
2.1.1放射性廢棄物介紹 5
2.1.2放射性廢棄物處置安全性之相關研究及近場遠場 6
2.1.3近場內之工程障壁組成項目及其功用 8
2.1.4場址研究 11
2.1.5我國核子燃料處置概況 14
2.2岩石之熱力學基本性質 17
2.2.1比熱 (C, Specific Heat) 17
2.2.2熱擴散係數( ,thermal Diffusivity) 18
2.2.3熱膨脹係數( ,coefficient of thermal expansion) 19
2.2.4熱傳遞型式 19
2.3相關數值分析之介紹 23
2.3.1 TOUGH2程式分析相關研究 23
2.3.2 FEHM程式之熱傳導研究 24
2.3.3其它程式之熱傳導研究 25
第三章 數值模擬程式介紹 27
3.1有限差分法 27
3.1.1有限差分法概述 28
3.1.2有限差分法網格系統(Grid) 28
3.2TOUGH程式概述 30
3.2.1TOUGH2程式概述 33
3.2.2 TOUGH2模組種類 34
3.3 TOUGH2程式數學理論 36
3.3.1主要熱力變量 40
3.3.2 TOUGH2變數矩形結構 41
3.3.2 TOUGH2程式之數值模擬時間和空間的離散 44
3.4芬蘭核廢料膨潤土熱傳分析介紹 48
3.5有限元素法-FEHM程式介紹 51
3.5.1 FEHM之概述 51
3.5.2 FEHM程式網格系統 53
第四章 本研究相關參數之設定 55
4.1模型網格建立 57
4.2處置場初始溫度之設定 59
4.3核廢料熱強度之計算 59
4.4邊界條件與材料參數說明 62
4.4.1處置場邊界條件之設定 62
4.4.2 處置場材料參數之設定 63
第五章 本研究分析結果與討論 65
5.1比較不同開挖孔間距下之溫度場分佈 67
5.1.1處置孔場溫度分佈之分析 68
5.1.2熱擴散後溫度影響範圍之分析 74
5.1.3處置場沿X與Y方向溫度分佈之比較 88
5.2 TOUGH2與FEHM熱傳導分析之比較 100
5.2.1 兩不同程式之模型邊界條件設定 102
5.2.2 兩不同數值分析之處置場熱傳導比較 103
5.3母岩之熱傳導係數對溫度的影響 108
第六章 結論與建議 115
6.1結論 115
6.2建議 117
參考文獻 118
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