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研究生(外文):Bai-Sung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Research on Real Time Power Consumption of Display
指導教授(外文):Pao-Lung Chen
外文關鍵詞:real timemonitordisplaypower consumption
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The consumed power of most electronic products is usually varied. If the power consumption status can be transferred to PC via wire or wireless way, and the power consuming information to be measured and recorded immediately, user can choose power-saving products based on the information or adjust the using method or habit to achieve the purpose of saving power.
According to the system architecture of LCD monitor, the sources of power consumption are AD board, LCD panel, and backlight module. The power consumption of active mode, sleep mode, and power off mode can be measured by a power analyzer, and the measured data can be transferred to some power consumption parameters and integrated into LCD monitor software. According to the working principle and the supported timing mode, some power consumption factors can be analyzed as follows: the refresh rate is the power factor of the AD board, the refresh rate and display data are power factors of the LCD panel, and the backlight PWM is the power factor of backlight module. Since all these factors can be accessed as variables of the software of the LCD monitor and the display mode can be accessed by the power mode as well and some power flags can be used to judge the power status of the LCD panel and the backlight module, the power consumption of the LCD monitor can be calculated real-time by the software. A PC application is also implemented to read power information of the LCD monitor through the inherent serial transfer interface and calculate the current power consumption. The difference between the calculated data and the measured data is under 3% and 7.41% in most case. The result shows the target of acquiring power consumption status of the LCD monitor real-time can be achieved.
第一章 緒論
第二章 液晶顯示器系統
第三章 建立液晶顯示器系統消耗功率資訊
第四章 液晶顯示器即時消耗功率軟體
第五章 結論及未來研究方向
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